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Once upon a time, it was my dream to be on America’s Next Top Model. I even went as far as applying (my mom would not be happy if she knew this haha).
I didn’t get in (obviously), but looking back now, I’m so glad God didn’t have that happen. Not sure what direction my life would take if I went the route of modeling and reality TV. Probably not a route that’d be good.
And though I did end up professional modeling on a lifestyle/commercial low-key scale later in life (satisfied the itch), I’m very happy with the direction my life has taken now! Better than what I could have imagined, my current job allows us the opportunity to travel, and traveling gives us the chance to be creative with photography on our own terms.

No feeling like I should be taller, skinnier, bustier, etc because I’m in charge of the direction of the photos. Though to be fair, I am a very difficult director!
Confession: When I wanted to be a model I googled ways to be taller because I’m only 5’6″ and to do “cool” modeling you have to be 5’9″. Found no good ideas, by the way! 😉
Sure, these photos won’t end up in a magazine, but I create them as if they would. Experimenting and taking pictures continue to grow me and Titus as a creative team.
I’m constantly learning and trying out new photography styles and experimenting with new clothes. It’s become one of the best creative outlets for me and styled shoots are one of my favorite things to do!
Check out this “editorial spread” of flash photography taken at The Inn at the Biltmore Estate!

Have you seen my Sunrise Beach Editorial Photoshoot? Probably some of my favorite photos ever taken!
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