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Today I’m bringing you 3 DIY face masks that you can make with things already in your kitchen that take minimal effort and money, because not all skincare products have to cost an arm and a leg to work!
You can raid your pantry and put together easy, inexpensive, and effective face masks with just 4 ingredients or less. You can feel better about what you’re putting on your skin and the results you’ll get afterward too.

3 DIY Face Masks that Actually Work
1. Honey + Cinnamon
Honey is going to be a base in many homemade face masks and there’s a good reason why: honey is pretty much a cure-all for all skin problems. It’s antibacterial so it heals acne and helps prevent it, it’s full of antioxidants so it helps fight aging, it’s clarifying so it helps to open pores and dissolve blackheads, and it’s incredibly moisturizing so it gives you glowing skin! Â
TIP: Make sure you’re using raw honey. It will make a difference.

Cinnamon is a great partner when paired with honey. It also has anti-aging and antibacterial properties, along with anti-fungal and antiseptic. Because it’s antibacterial it will fight the bacteria in acne while the anti-inflammatory part will help fight inflammation. The gritty texture also makes a mild exfoliator.Â
TIP: Cinnamon can burn the face if used too much. Do a test patch if you have sensitive skin. Also, be very careful when washing it off, especially around the eye area, because cinnamon has a gritty texture and it can get stuck in your eyes. The pain is equivalent to getting a piece of sand in the eye and not being able to get it out. Trust me.

Assemble your ingredients in a small container. I usually eyeball my honey because it’s sticky and a pain to measure, but for the sake of this blog post I measured, and what I use equals around 2 TSP. Sprinkle in some cinnamon (start with 1/2 TSP) and mix with your finger until it resembles a chocolate paste. Apply to clean skin and leave on for about 20 minutes.

TIP: If you don’t have time to have this face mask on during the day, dab a little bit on a problem area and cover it with a band-aid before you go to sleep. If used consistently, this will greatly speed up the healing process of any mark or spot. Just make sure you don’t use cheap band-aids, or you may find yourself waking up with them stuck in mysterious places. Possibly speaking from experience. 😉
2. Honey + Turmeric
As previously stated, honey makes a great base for many face masks, especially when it comes to spices. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory so it helps with scarring. It also provides you with glowing skin.

Use the same steps as mask #1 and leave on for around 15-20 minutes.

TIP: Turmeric will stain. Don’t wear any clothes you like just in case it drips because you won’t be able to get them out again. The same goes for the towel you use to wash your face. It only has a slight temporary face stain though. If kept on for a very long time, your face will look a little yellow after it’s washed off but will fade in little time. I find that after I wash my face and apply my toner, I can barely tell, especially if I’m applying makeup over it. However, this would not be a face mask to use right before work or on a special occasion. This would be a great mask for night time or before an exfoliation.
3. Honey + Green tea + Apple Cider Vinegar + Sugar
This one can make both a great mask or scrub. They say green tea is magic for your body, but it also does amazing things for your skin too. Besides being anti-aging and detoxing, all the antioxidants that will help you on the inside will do the same for you on the outside. Apple cider vinegar balances the Ph system, detoxes, and renews skin. Sugar (brown or white) makes a great natural scrub.

To utilize the full properties of green tea, go ahead and actually make yourself a cup of tea and cut open the tea bag when you’re done (though already brewed tea works as well).
Add it to your container with 2 teaspoons of honey. Then go ahead and drink the tea-no waste and double the benefits! Add 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
Like the honey, make sure you’re using the real stuff. It should be organic and say “With The Mother” on the bottle. Gently massage the mixture onto your skin for 2-5 minutes. You can either treat it as a scrub and wash it right off, or use it as a mask as well and keep it on for about 10 minutes.

TIP: As soon as the liquid hits the sugar, it’s going to start dissolving, so you’ll want to work fast on applying it.

The best thing about natural products is that what you’re putting on the outside can go on the inside as well. Incorporate all of these into your diet (except maybe the sugar haha) to double the effectiveness! While these DIY face masks won’t cure all your problems overnight, they will greatly improve acne, texture, dark spots, tone, and more…especially if used on a consistent basis!
Up Next: The French Girl Beauty Guide for Effortlessly Beautiful Skin