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Putting together this post on what to buy your husband for an anniversary seemed fitting as I’ve been searching for this same thing! I got my husband’s feedback on this (and I spied on his Amazon wish list) and though every guy is different, these are all guy-approved ideas of things that men actually want.
This gift guide is loosely based on my husband and for a little context, my husband is a really simple and easy-going guy. He loves sports, doing projects with his hands, junk food, and being active by playing fun games. If that sounds like your husband at all, then I bet he’ll love these things too!
What to buy a husband for an anniversary

*not all links are exact, but similar!
1. Team apparel
As long as your guy is into sports, you really can’t go wrong with getting him anything you can that will allow him to represent his favorite team! Sweats, socks, slippers, or even a custom grill cover all work. If you have a bit more to spend and really want to make your man happy, get him an authentic team jersey!
2. Coffee
It’s a simple gift, yet we all loving receiving it, don’t we? Get your man coffee worth talking about, too. The reviews on this one are pretty comical and intriguing; it even makes me want to try it!
3. Fire & Water Safe
Men are practical, aren’t they? This safe has been on my hubby’s wishlist forever. If you have a man that’s safety-conscious, practical, and likes to protect important things, then I’m sure he’ll love this!
4. Hangry Kit
These hangry kits are an amazing idea. What guy doesn’t love a bunch of snacks he can try out? True, you could just use this idea as a thought-starter and make your own, but buying it saves time and effort! Other ideas: a food or coffee subscription or a box of different jerky flavors. Things like that are yummy…and fun!
5. Headphones
All of this working from home has proved that we need headphones more than ever. But really, my husband loves his headphones. He uses them for work, travel, mowing, walking, and doing additional yard work.
6. Survival Kit
My husband is outdoorsy but not a “survival man”, but that doesn’t matter because most men love feeling “manly”. On the topic of survival things…my husband thinks this tactical pen sounds really fun. There’s something about these things that men find really cool!
7. Beard Grooming Kit
My husband doesn’t even have a beard kit and he thinks they’re cool, so just think about how happy your man will be if he actually does have one!
8. Lowes gift card
Give a woman the right shoes and she’ll conquer the world. Give a man the right set of tools and he’ll er, I don’t know! But the point is, guys love their tools and their toys and some feel guilty buying themselves something if it’s not a “need”. Give them “permission” by getting them a home improvement gift card so they can get whatever they want guilt-free!
9. Hiking Boots
This falls under practical and helpful gifts. Even if your man isn’t an avid hiker, hiking boots are great for the outdoors. They’re more durable and look cooler than sneakers!
Other ideas worth mentioning:
Cologne- I didn’t include this in the gift guide because personally, I think it’s more of “a gift a girl wants to give a guy” instead of “a gift a guy is dying to receive” (basing it just on personal experiences). However, if your guy actually cares about smelling good (ha) and goes through cologne quickly, this one has really high ratings! Watches are always a good purchase too. Just make sure you don’t cheap out here and get something durable and high quality. Men judge men based on watches. Check out this one, this one, and this one!
I hope you got some great anniversary gift ideas from this post! Now, what are you going to do for your anniversary? If you need some at-home date ideas, then check out this post!

It’s great that you talked about what to get as a gift for a man. Recently, my sister asked me for advice to get her husband a birthday surprise. I tried to think of something cool, but I ran out of ideas, and I think your article will help us with that! Thanks for the advice on looking for sports team merchandise.