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Check out the announcement and first 13 weeks if you’re new here!

14 weeks…into my second trimester…and my pregnancy seems a lot more real now. Though I literally have nothing and haven’t done anything for baby. When are you to supposed paint, decorate, shop, and do all that other baby stuff everyone talks about?? #askingforafriend Well, I have taken lots of photos…that’s gonna help right?? 😉
Baby is the size of a: lemon
Miss anything: Can’t think of anything I’ve missed this week!
Food cravings: I have been eating soooo much. I really try to stay healthy and I believe that starts with what food you have in your house. But I totally caved after a trip to the grocery trip…I just picked up anything and everything that looked good. As Titus was putting away the groceries he was surprised to see 4 different kinds of mac n cheese haha. I had to re-exercise my self-control and now I’m making him eat all the boxed, processed food so I won’t (Okay, we all know I’m not making him…this is pretty much his dream scenario haha).
So…cravings? Idk- mac n cheese haha? Or let’s just say food in general…
Food aversion: No food aversions this week (read above)
Mood: Just really emotional and moody. And short tempered. Man…who wouldn’t want to live with me?!
Sleep: I have no problems falling asleep, but this week I kept waking up super early from weird/bad dreams. But then I can’t fall back asleep so I just eat a sleeve of crackers in bed at 4 in the morning. Pretty fun!
Sickness: I’m healthy and I really don’t get sick anymore. Long car trips are a different thing…but lots to be thankful for.
Body Changes: The first 13 weeks I kept second guessing if there was a bump or not. Now it’s weird to see a bump all the time…not just after a big meal or 7 o’clock! I had some family rub my belly and even though pregnant people are known for hating this, it didn’t bother me! Now maybe ask me again if a stranger does it…
Body Pain: I have lower back pain all.the.time. It’s right on my bone where my butt and back meet. It’s sore, achy, but sometimes sharp when I move around, and it moves to my legs as well. I didn’t think you’d get it till way later, but I know I’m not imagining this!! I’ve tried to do some stretches, but it doesn’t seem to be helping quite yet. Titus always thinks I’m being dramatic when I start limping haha, but I can’t help it! I still go about my day as normal…I’ve just been getting massages almost every night 🙂
Weight gain: I know I’m being 110% being ridiculous when I say I’m not happy with gaining weight. Never being pregnant before, it’s so hard to wrap my head around the fact that you’re going to gain weight steadily and you’re supposed to! I’m up 3-4 pounds total, so I’ve gained around 2-3 pounds since starting my second trimester. They say from here on out you gain 1-2 pounds per week. It puts me right on target, so I really shouldn’t be worrying. But I doooo
Looking forward to: My next appointment in a couple of weeks…nothing special is going to happen, but any progress is good progress!
Best Moments: Sharing my news on my Instagram and having an overwhelming amount of love and support. People being excited for me just warms my heart!
I had a really new feeling this week and that was a flutter in my stomach! It was for a brief moment, but it felt like a butterfly inside my belly down by where they used the doppler. It wasn’t my normal rumble and gurgle of gas that I get allll the time. It was completely different than anything I’ve felt. Internet says this is baby! Now half the people will believe me and half the people will tell me it’s just gas. But this is my journal and I get to put down what I want 😉
Worst Moments: This week had a lot of sucky non-pregnancy related moments. I’m trying to focus on the good, be thankful for what I have, and have hope that next week will be better.
Titus’ quotes/stories/thoughts:
“Her bump! I love her bump! It makes me happy every time I see it and I just picture baby all snuggled up and cozy. I know that might not be what actually happens, but still. I just picture baby laying there all content because it knows it’s loved. I like kissing her bump and feeling it. It feels so weird. It’s so hard.”
“Mood swings are cray cray. But I’m learning to go with the flow and I secretly think it’s hilarious when she gets super mad or dramatic about something, but I don’t let that show because I’m afraid she’ll get mad at me.”
| I did an announcement on my Instagram, and so many people kept telling me what a blessing my pregnancy is. I totally believe that. Pregnancy is a blessing and I’m so grateful I’ve been able to enter into motherhood this far. My heart breaks for those that have lost their babies or have not been able to carry life in their womb|
Aww what a fun post to read. I love some many parts.
1. Lol about the Mac n cheese and sleeve of crackers in bed, it’s funny to hear what sounds good to pregnant people.
2. Your bump is so cute! I need to look more closely in person
3. Soooo exciting you felt a flutter! Baby movements are the best.
I love following along!
Where is that taupe skirt from!?
It’s from Amazon! You can get it here, but I think it’s currently unavailable!
Where did you get that “love you already” sign?
I made it through Canva and printed it off.