Stack of birkin bags

5 Best Hermes Replica Handbags to Get the Look for Less

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When you think of Hermes, the first thing that comes to mind is the elusive Birkin bag. It has earned a reputation as a status symbol in the fashion world due to its mystery and exclusivity. Every bag lover dreams of owning an envy-inducing Birkin bag, but unfortunately, it is not so easy to buy.

1. Buying a Hermès Birkin bag is not as straightforward as purchasing designer handbags from Louis Vuitton. No matter how much money you have on your credit card, you can’t walk into Hermès stores and pick up a Hermes purse.

You need to either have a purchasing history with the brand or know a Hermes associate to get on the “waiting list,” or you need to be invited to purchase a single handbag, hence why we don’t see Birkin bags easily on the market.

2. To fuel the mystique around their coveted handbags, Hermes does not reveal how many bags they make to anyone.

Many people may know the Birkin bag for having a fabulous style and being notoriously hard to buy – but not many people know how the holy grail of handbags was created.

The backstory of Hermes Birkin bags

Various well-renowned luxury brands have released new bags after being inspired by famous women. Louis Vuitton looked to fashion icon and actress Audrey Hepburn to create the Speedy 25.

Gucci named their “Jackie bag” after Jackie Kennedy. The House of Dior unveiled the Lady Dior bag, and lastly, the idea for the Hermes Birkin bag came from British actress Jane Birkin.

It all started in 1983 when Jane Birkin flew from Paris to London. As the actress was trying to load her straw bag in the overhead bin, she dropped contents from her bag on the CEO of Hermes, Jean-Louis Dumas. She complained to Dumas that she couldn’t find the right weekend tote bag to carry all her stuff.

One year later, the Hermes CEO invented the Birkin bag and named it after Jane Birkin.

Besides the Birkin bag, Hermes had a trapezoid-shaped bag with high handles named the “Haut à courroies.” It was later renamed the “Kelly bag” after the Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly, used it in 1956 to shield her baby bump from the Paparazzi.

Is there still a chance to buy a Hermes bag?

As mentioned earlier, you need to do some legwork to get the chance to buy a Birkin bag. Plus, they have a hefty price tag (Prices range from $11,000 to $500,000).

Thankfully, there are Hermes replica bags at affordable prices. From the Hermes Kelly replica bag to the replica Hermes Birkin. Below, you will find the best Hermes replica handbags!

Tuscany Leather – TL Bag

This high-quality Hermes Birkin replica is just $140, compared to the high prices of the expensive Hermes bags. This replica has so many key features of the original bag. It has the clochette tied around the top handle. Pontet details are found on the sangles, which echo the design of the Birkin bag. And the Birkin-esque flaps on the exterior make it a high-quality Hermes replica.

Another added bonus is that it comes with a dust bag to help you maintain the quality of your purse.

What people love about this replica bag: “I am very impressed with the quality of this beautiful bag. The leather is very nice, and the construction is first-rate. It’s a great Birkin-inspired bag and, if I’m still satisfied after a few months, I’m going to buy another one.”

Dasein Women Handbags

The padlock detail may be on the touret instead of the tiret, but the Birkin bag inspires it. The rectangular shape of this Hermes Birkin bag replica mirrors the same silhouette as the original bag. It is also made from excellent quality vegan leather that is scratch-resistant. Inside the bag is one main zipper compartment with one inner zipper pocket and one back zip pocket to store your essentials.

What people love about this replica bag:This is a great handbag set! I didn’t have very high expectations because of the price I paid but, I was very pleasantly surprised when I received them. The pattern looked authentic and they look well made. The style is very reminiscent of a Birkin. Very classy and upscale look! Definitely giftable!

Belted Top-handle Work Tote

This bag from Daesin has some very similar Birkin bag features — making it one of the best Hermes replica handbags. The square-shaped structure mirrors the signature silhouette of the Birkin. And it has a recognizable sangle and pontent.

The major difference this bag has from the original Birkin is that it has a shoulder strap. However, you will love this feature if you love bags with a shoulder strap.

What people love about this replica purse: “This bag is quite lovely and looks similar to a Hermès style handbag. It’s sturdy, has no inside lining, which is fantastic because it makes it much easier to clean. I love it so much. It came with a dust bag and an additional shoulder strap. The packaging was quite nice also, came fully intact with no creasing or blemishes.

Kate Spade – Cameron street candace satchel

Although this Satchel bag doesn’t feature a plaque and sangles, it does mimic the same structure as the Birkin bag. The square shape is so similar that you might think it’s a real Birkin at first glance.

What makes these Cameron satchels one of the best Hermes replica handbags is that they are made from saffiano. This type of durable leather will prevent your bag from getting easily scratched and damaged. Plus, it features 14K gold carat hardware, which gives this bag a luxe finish.

What people love about this replica bag: “This purse is absolutely gorgeous! I have received numerous compliments on it. It is sleek, sturdy, and the size is perfect for everyday use. I love the extra front pouch on the outside of the bag. It makes for getting things very convenient as opposed to opening the zipper every time.


If you are looking for a good-quality Hermes Kelly bag replica, Tory Burch has you covered. You will need a magnifying glass to spot the differences between the original Kelly bag and this Lee Radziwill tote.

This lookalike boasts all of the recognizable features of the original Kelly bags. It has the signature key and lock detail, the top handles feature double rings, and it boasts a shoulder strap.

What people love about this replica bag: “I went into the store to see this in person. It’s a beautiful bag. It has that Hermes Kelly vibe, so it’s quite classic. There seems to be a magnet to help keep the bag shut, even if you don’ clasp the two top straps. it is a gorgeous bag for when you want to have that put-together look.

Why Hermes Dupes May Be Better

The issue in the fashion industry is that top-brand original items keep getting more expensive over time! With each passing year, prices for products like handbags go through the roof because of inflation.

So, a budget-friendly option rocking a similar style could be the best option. They give you the look of original pieces without leaving your pocket empty. After all, famously high-end brands like Hermes can really take a toll on your wallet.

Having an original piece only really adds social value, and going for these copies means you get to hold onto a fashionable staple and still have some spare cash for extra wardrobe additions.

Thankfully, this list of the best Hermes replica handbags will save you from draining your savings or having to get on the waitlist for a Hermes bag.

Need even more budget-friendly fashion advice? Up Next: Gucci-Inspired Without the High Price Tag: The Best Gucci Loafer Dupes


Hi! My name is Temwa and I have an obsession with all things lifestyle. Whether it's home decor, classy fashion, beauty products, or gift ideas -- you will find me writing about those topics. When I'm not sitting at my laptop, you will find me making press-on nails over the weekend!