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When it comes to style, café culture, and fine dining — nobody does it like the French. Whether it’s the way they beautifully present their cuisines or the way their women show off their classic taste in fashion — everything they do is infused with a sense of effortless elegance that we can’t help but mimic.
Another thing we English speakers would like to emulate is their beautiful language!
I don’t know if it’s just me but, when I hear a French person speaking their language, I can’t help but gaze in awe. The French pronunciation, French expressions, and eloquent phrases make me want to pick up a French dictionary and learn some beautiful French words!
If you’re just like me and you want to incorporate beautiful French words into your vocabulary, we have a list of pretty French words that you will want to learn. Whether you intend on using these new words for your next trip to the beautiful beaches in the South of France or your own home country — we have pretty French words and beautiful French phrases that will impress native French speakers.
And the best part about this list of beautiful French words is that they are not difficult words to learn for new learners.
Romantic French Words

Some may say that this is a cliché but, French is the most romantic language. The language’s beauty has been used in romanticism by great poets and writers like Gabrielle-Suzanne Bardot de Villeneuve (the author of “Beauty and the Beast”).
You can also use this language of love to express your adoration for the person that has captured your heart. So whether you are going on a date night in the city of love or, enjoying a night in with your partner, you can use the French language to spice things up!
1. Un Câlin – Hug or Cuddle
Correct pronunciation: kɑlɛ̃
Un Câlin is a gesture of compassion and happiness. can also be used to describe an adult as affectionate.
Example of the word used in a sentence: “Fais-Moi un Câlin – Cuddle me.
2. Le Coupe De Foudre – Love at first sight
This expression was initially used to describe bad weather, but since the French language is associated with love, it has another figurative meaning: Love at first sight.
So if you want to use cute French words to perfectly describe how you felt when you met your partner for the first time, this beautiful expression will help you!
Example of the expression in a sentence: C’était un coup de foudre – it was love at first sight.
3. Ma chéri – My darling
The expression ” Ma chéri” or “Mon chéri” first originated in the 18th century, and it remains a favorite french word amongst French-speaking romantics.
Even though “chéri” is a common French word, it is still a beautiful word that deserves a spot on this list. Plus, if your French language skills are still at a beginner level, this word will be easy to remember.
Example of the expression in a sentence: Je t’aime tellement, ma chérie – I love you so much, my darling.
4. Amant- Lover
Pronunciation: amɑ̃
If you are looking for fancy nicknames for your partner, amant is a great word to use! It’s a charming alternative to the typical romantic names.
Example of the word in a sentence: C’est mon amant.
5. Une histoire d’amour – Love story
This phrase is an adorable way of talking about how you and your significant other fell in love!
So whenever a new family member asks you how you fell in love with your partner, try to use this phrase!
Example of the word in a sentence: C’est Une Histoire d’amour Qui me fait rougir – It is a love story that makes me blush.
6. L’amour vrai – True love
What better way to describe your relationship or marriage than with this lovely phrase?
The word L’amour is a noun for “love” and “vrai” is an adjective that directly translates to “true.”
Example of the phrase in a sentence: Le vrai amour ne se termine jamais – True love never ends.
7. Amour de ma vie – Love of my life
This romantic phrase is a perfect way to express how much your partner means to you!
Example of the phrase in a sentence: Tu es l’amour de ma vie.
8. Bisous – Kisses
This next one is also one of the most beautiful French words!
French people use it as a greeting. If they meet a friend in public, they will kiss each other once on the cheek.
It’s also a word that they use at the end of a message or letter.
If you are planning a formal night with your partner, send them a date night request, and don’t forget to add “bisous” at the end of the text.
Related post: Date Night Outfit Idea + Tips
An example of the word in a sentence: Allons dégustation de vins. des bisous.
9. Tu me manques – I miss you.
Whenever your partner is away from you for a long time because of their busy work schedule, use this beautiful phrase to let them know that you wish that they were around.
An example of this phrase in a sentence: tu me manques mon amour – I miss you, my love.
Useful French Words

Apart from knowing romantic words and phrases for special occasions, it’s also a good idea to learn beautiful French words that are useful. Especially if you plan on flying to France soon.
10. Je Vous en prie – a formal way to say “You’re welcome”
This phrase is commonly used in a corporate setting or when you want to show an employer extra respect.
So If you ever happen to be in contact with a French business person, you can reply by using this phrase.
11. Ã la prochaine – Until next time!
A lot of people know that au revoir means Goodbye for now or until we see each other again, but did you know that there are other beautiful French words to say goodbye?
à la prochaine is a good one to use if you want to sound like a native French speaker. This expression is used to signal that you intend on seeing the person you’re saying goodbye to soon.
The next time you leave a place, use this expression to send your good wishes to your friends or family.
12. Chef d’Å“uvre – A masterpiece
This beautiful French phrase can be used for summer vacations when you visit France. If you decide to go to the museum or a Michelin-style restaurant — you describe what you experience with this word.
13. Pouvez-vous m’aider? – Can you help me?
Whenever you need some assistance at a French shop, you can use this phrase to ask the store employee for some help.
Adding beautiful French words to your French vocabulary is always a fun way to sound elegant and unique. So if you ever need to incorporate gorgeous-sounding words in your everyday speech, this article will come in handy!
On top of learning new French words, mastering French fashion rules is also a cool way of achieving the perfect French lifestyle.
Up next: 11 Ways To Nail a Classic French Style Clothing Look

That red flower is really beautiful. Can you let me know what it is called?
I believe it’s a rose!