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Dressing my age I think means being classy rather than flashy. I like pretty clothes, but I don’t want to be a slave to fashion. I do want to know in a general way what’s currently in style, and I will try to adapt, but if I have clothes and a look that’s working for me I will probably stick with it rather than change it all up according to the latest trend. That doesn’t mean I can’t get new shoes or boots, or a couple tops or the right cut of jeans from time to time. 🙂
I’m really excited to bring a new element to my blog today- fashion over 50!
I’ve had requests for fashion posts for older women and at first, I wasn’t sure how to go about this as I’m just in my mid 20’s. But then I realized I don’t need to be the one modeling the clothes. I can just be the one to bring the fabulous women to you!
And what better way to kick off this new series than with my beautiful mama?!
My mom is 57 (yes I got her permission to say this!) but you honestly couldn’t tell that. She doesn’t look a day over 35 to me! 😉
No, I’m not trying to butter her up with extra babysitting days, but hey if it helps… 😉
We’ll see how this series will take shape, but for this post, I had my mom pick out 1 outfit that she liked with no input from me and then I styled her in 2…using only what’s in her wardrobe!!
Don’t forget to read the quotes too, so you can get great style/life advice from someone that’s learned to age with grace & embrace the size they are now!
Back to the outfits. My mom is very minimalistic when it comes to beauty (owns 1 mascara) & fashion (I think she has less than 4 pairs of shoes TOTAL) so it did make it a tad difficult because hey, I like options, but I think it’s a good reminder that you don’t need much, you just need the right pieces.
But first things first, here’s the outfit that she chose for herself:

Really, as I think about it, I think it’s harder to look nice as you get older. Your figure gets more dumpy, you get all these wrinkles, your hair gets grayer and thinner, and you have to be careful that you just don’t look silly wearing whatever the latest trend is.
But on the positive side, I think you can still enjoy looking nice without making it too important, and I like to think there’s a grace that goes along with aging. if there’s ever a time that your inner person shines through, it’s probably when you’re older, for better or for worse! I think if I were advising someone my age on how to dress, I would start with the intangibles. Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you realize the value that you have for other people, not based on what you look like but who you are to them? Embrace the grace!
Here’s why she chose it:
The outfit I had on was an imported Italian scarf (I got it for her from our Europe travels!), a long sleeved plain shirt I permanently borrowed from my husband’s closet, a pair of leggings that I probably got at Old Navy, and a new black sweater off the $7 rack at Walmart. I pick my clothes according to what I like the look and feel of, and how well they will play with everything else in my closet. 🙂 I’m also having to deal with a constantly changing figure, as I’ve lost and gained at least 30 pounds over the past few years.
Not too long ago I heard about the idea of a fashion uniform, a way to dress that simplifies having to make decisions all the time. If I have a fashion uniform, it is dresses combined with leggings. The dress is feminine and upscale enough to go to church and other events, but the leggings make it comfortable and warm. I like clothing that is practical, and often dress in layers in the colder weather.
It’s also okay to indulge a love for beautiful things. Whether it’s a color you gravitate to that flatters you, a pattern that appeals to you, or a silky or knubby texture that feels good on your body, your clothes should make you smile and feel attractive when you put them on. You don’t have to spend a fortune to make that happen.
Related: How to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget
Now here is the 1st outfit that I chose for her!
Here’s why I chose it: I knew right away that the looks I would choose would be neutrals because hey, that’s my signature! I also knew right away that my looks would be simple too because that’s just who my mom is.
When I spotted this plain black dress I knew it would be a great base for layering and that was confirmed when I found this gray ribbed cardigan! The cardigan gave me some Parisian vibes which I always love. Whether you’re 20 or 50, layers can help to improve any look.
I was surprised to see a trendy, yet classic blanket scarf in her closet (honestly I might have gifted it to her haha), and I knew the subtle print would tie this look together and give it an extra something!
The dress wasn’t mini or anything, but I paired it with black leggings because I’ve found that older women don’t really like to show off their knees and feel more comfortable without lots of bare skin!
My mom does not do heels at all, but had these classic boots that I knew would pair well with this dress!
If my mom had a watch I would have added that, but all in all, I thought this look was simple, classic, age-appropriate, but not dated. To be honest, it’s something I would wear…except maybe I’d switch out the flat boots for heeled boots!
Spend the time to put together a wardrobe that really makes you feel comfortable and well put together. I know that doesn’t mean a lot of garments, which just makes it more confusing to get dressed in the morning, but it means taking the time to shop and make sure things fit well, flatter, and coordinate with what’s already in your closet.
Here’s the 2nd look I chose for her!
Why I chose it: My mom has this gorgeous staple camel coat that I knew had to be included in this post.
She’s not down to her goal weight yet and for those that may be struggling to fit into clothes you want, I recommend to not give it all up and wait until you are the weight you want to have fun with fashion. Just spend more time on outerwear and accessories! Whether it takes you 5 months or 5 years to get to your goal weight, don’t spend the time just feeling “blah”… you deserve to enjoy the way you look!
Fashion advice that I would give and need to apply to myself is embracing the size and figure I am right now, not the size I plan to be in the future! Otherwise I’m saying I’m worthy of money being spent on me only when I’m a certain size, and I’m not worthy of it right now. In the first place, I may never attain the figure I want, and in the second place, that’s not how God wants me to assign value, to others or myself. I’m not more valuable or worthy at size 10, and less significant at size 16. I’m still working through that one!
If my mom had accessories I would have piled them on to prove my point, but like I said earlier she’s simple, though she did have this beret that pairs perfectly with the camel coat. Classic, elegant, Parisian. What’s not to love? The beret adds some texture too that I really liked.
Pre fashion blogger Carolyn would have said this bag was out of style, but now, not only do I get that everything “comes back”, but I appreciate the classic structure and the subtle reptile print.
This is another look that I would wear myself and I hope it goes to show that classic style isn’t limited to a certain age. Mid 20’s or mid 50’s, timeless outfits look good on anyone!
It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 20’s or 50’s, there’s tons of good life/style advice in here for everyone!
Spend the time to put together a wardrobe that really makes you feel comfortable and well put together. Know that it’s okay to indulge too. But it’s more than just the latest designer item. It could be a favorite color, pattern, or texture! And maybe it’s silk pajamas just because you can… 😉
And if you’re someone that struggles to love the size you find yourself in now, know that you’re not alone. Your value does not go up or down depending on the number on your jeans! Don’t put off feeling good about yourself while you wait for the scale to reach a certain number. You’re worthy now…
So what do you think of this new series?! Leave your thoughts below and give my mama some love!!

Your mom looks great! That 2nd outfit is perfect with the beret, coat, boots…I love this combo. I can’t wait to see more posts for us over 50 ladies. Thank you!
Definitely a combo I want to wear myself! Thanks for the feedback, Browyn! Happy you liked this post!
Your mom is beautiful, inside and out. Thank you for featuring her in this blog. You blessed us both.
Thank you for the comment 🙂 So happy you are blessed!
I love how you mother envisaged style and fashion over 50. Her looks are on point and timeless! Thanks for sharing it! It is a great section happy to see more!
Aw I’m happy you like it! And I’m happy to show that timeless looks are for any age!
I’m about to send this straight to my mama. She always struggles finding items that work for her because she never knows where to look. And while I might have some good input, she’s never certain until she sees it on someone built similarly to her. Your mom is quite similar, so I’m excited to share this because all the outfits are so cute!
I really hope your mom finds this helpful! My mom was a little apprehensive to show up on my blog with her body type, but I told her that she’s “normal” and other people want to see what clothes would look like on them too!
I really love the looks you styled for her! You chose some great pieces that look really good on her!
Thanks, Nataly!
I love that long coat. My mom needs to know she can wear cute stuff like this even being older. Who says older women cant look cute right?
I hope your mom finds this helpful! And I totally agree, any age can look cute!
I love this post. Please continue with them!
Your mom is adorable!
So happy you love it! And thanks for the feedback 🙂 It is duly noted!
I love this!! Thanks so much! I love your spirit and style! You continue to inspire me … xo from a 63 yr old.
Thank you so much for the sweet comment MaryBeth! I hope to continue to inspire you in 2020!
What a lovely message. Embracing your body at any stage of life is so important. Loved all the outfits, she looked super chic!
I agree that you need to embrace your body at any & every stage- thanks for the comment!
Love the idea and the post! I am 50 this year and love fashion on a budget. I enjoy your blog and have tried to translate some of your ideas into my style. I don’t try to look 25 but want to look great for my age! am excited that you will be choosing outfits from women’s closets who are my age. Please do more posts like this!
Hi, Wendy! Thank you so much for the great feedback and for being a reader! How exciting that you will be 50 this year! I will be doing more in this series!
Aging and fashion can be so tricky! I’m in my upper 40s yet I still want to look and feel stylish without looking like I’m pretending to be a 20-something. I love that you focused on this!! <3
Love the outfit. It looks really chic.
Xx, Nailil
Thanks for the comment, Nailil!
It is really hard as you get older! I’m loving this outfit though ❤️ So stylish’!
Thanks for the feedback, Jess!!
Great Job!
More please!
Thanks, Meg! I’ll be doing more! 🙂
I’m another fan who is very pleased you are looking out for us older ladies as well. I have also worried about having a 20-something choose pieces for me. You really opened my eyes to the fact that there are so many things that anyone can wear. Thank you!
I’m so happy you are pleased, Megan! I’m really glad you liked this post as well and you found it helpful. There will be more! Thank you for the nice comment!
Your Mother is beautiful and radiates kindness. Both outfits on your Mother are really nice, classic and realistic – please post more outfits like this and maybe some warm weather outfits as well. I love the minimalist style too!
Thanks so much for the feedback and kind words, Reva. I will definitely take that into consideration!
A really nice post. Hope to see Mother’s Day post highlighting your mom.
I think the white hat looks so pretty on her. I also like hats especially now that my hair is thinning.
Love it! Would love to see more. Your style is classic and timeless so works at any age..
Thanks so much for the input, Karen! I’m mentally planning a warm-weather one with my mom!
Just found you and LOVING that you’ve added your mom on here. Your style is amazing and I look forward to seeing more things you put together for mom (my age) too!
Also love the home styles – I’m a Shabby Chic fan but also like the simplistic French styles as well as Italian – especially obsessed after I took my first international trip (for my 50th) there.
New fan!
Hi, Laura! So glad you found me! 🙂 It sounds like we have a lot in common! Once I’m able to see my mom again I want to keep featuring her on the blog. I hope you’ll stick around! Traveling internationally for a birthday sounds like the perfect celebration if you ask me!
Loved this post and how your mom embraced your “styling” her. Please make more like this!
Thanks for your feedback, Stacie. I would love to! Quarantine threw a wrench in my plans 😉
Thank you to both you and your mom for helping give me the confidence and ideas to step out and style it! I’ve found that the classics have served me well all the way into my 75th year.
Such a sweet comment, Diane! I believe that the classics will never fail you.
What a fun post! Thanks so much to both you and to your lovely mom for sharing. You’re both beautiful!
I just turned 50 last year and very much enjoyed reading this. I love the idea of aging gracefully (I’m determined that I WILL do this!) and embracing where I am now, although admittedly some days, it does take more effort than others. I’ll keep working on it… and watching for your next post in the series. Thanks so much again!
Thank you so much for the nice comment, Tonya! I’m encouraged to hear that you are determined to age gracefully. I can tell you for sure that you’re not alone in the struggle. My mother would tell you that it definitely takes effort too!
I really appreciate you showing how fashion isn’t just for skinny, young beauties but is also attainable for all of us, regardless of age and figure-type. Thanks! Your mom was a good sport to participate and you did a great job styling her. I love how you made it work with her wardrobe and personality type. Well done!!
I’m really glad you liked this, Wendy! I’m hoping to do more posts with my mom as well. COVID really threw that for a loop!
I just found your site through Pinterest. I turn 60 next April. For years I’ve been trying to figure out my own style and what would look good on me. I’ve been living in Panamá for the last 7 years. It’s the tropics so my basic outfit was light top and shorts, light dress and some flip flops or super minimal sandals. Seriously, that’s it. It’s hot and humid all year. Sometimes too much even for jewelry. But I’m moving back to the States and am super excited to get to wear boots and jackets and coats again!
Thanks for an inspiring and fun article. I have signed up for your newsletter :).
And your Mom has such a great smile. It lights up her face. Love her simple style and how you both dressed her up.
Aw thank you so much for this sweet comment, Tracy! I would be excited as well to be able to move back to the States and try out some different fashions. Good luck with your move!
I am new to this page and loved seeing this section on older women. You both look great and how true that classic styles are always relevant. I look forward to seeing more.
Thanks, Sam! I am so happy you will be sticking around. I have more posts like this coming!
Loved this post! Thanks for all your advice and addressing us older women!
It’s always my pleasure, Sue!