Mindset Archives - MY CHIC OBSESSION https://www.mychicobsession.com/category/mindset/ Carefully crafted content for the classic woman Thu, 28 Mar 2024 18:29:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.mychicobsession.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/M.png Mindset Archives - MY CHIC OBSESSION https://www.mychicobsession.com/category/mindset/ 32 32 What I Learned Taking My Clothes out of Storage After 15 Months https://www.mychicobsession.com/what-i-learned-taking-my-clothes-out-of-storage/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/what-i-learned-taking-my-clothes-out-of-storage/#comments Tue, 29 Aug 2023 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=49494 It’s been almost one year and a half since we sold our home, packed everything up, rented 3 homes, and moved 4 times to finally end up at the home that we built. When we were getting ready to embark on this journey, and in an effort to make future moves easier, we packed up […]

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It’s been almost one year and a half since we sold our home, packed everything up, rented 3 homes, and moved 4 times to finally end up at the home that we built. When we were getting ready to embark on this journey, and in an effort to make future moves easier, we packed up almost everything that was nonessential. And now that we finally landed in a place that we can call home for as long as we want to live in the Midwest, I’m finally opening up boxes that have been sealed shut for 15+ months.

I wasn’t entirely sure what the unpacking process would feel like. Would I be excited to be reunited with my clothes? Overwhelmed? Though I already base my wardrobe philosophy around a capsule wardrobe, I still probably have more clothes than the average person. But since I did a decluttering session before I moved, I would just unpack everything and hang it up – right? Well, not exactly. Here’s how it really went as well as some lessons I learned (and was reminded of) after this intense unpacking journey!

What I Learned After Taking (About Half of) My Clothes out of Storage

1. Declutter Before You Move

As I was drowning under boxes, bags, and bins for the new house, all I could think was, “I’m glad I decluttered before we moved.” When it was time to tackle my closet, the process felt easier because I had put in a lot of the work before. There were fewer clothes to deal with and fewer decisions to make, making the process more manageable.

So, speaking from experience, decluttering your closet before packing, moving, or even storing off-season clothing will save you time, effort, and unnecessary stress! Take the opportunity to go through each item of clothing and ask yourself some tough questions. Do you really wear that old sweater from five years ago? Do those jeans still fit? Be ruthless in your decision-making process. If you haven’t worn something in 6+ months or it no longer excites you or serves a practical purpose, it’s time to let it go.

Decluttering before I moved lightened the load, but it also gave me a chance to donate some of my clothes that were still in good condition, giving them a new chance at life. But, decluttering before I moved didn’t guarantee everything was still a winner…

2. There’s Always More You Can Get Rid Of

When you finally arrive at your new home and start unpacking, it’s tempting to simply put everything away as quickly as possible. However, this is the perfect opportunity to continue decluttering and make sure you only keep what you truly need and love.

As I unpacked my clothes, I was surprised to find that my feelings had changed towards certain items. I could pinpoint a lot of these purchases to a certain time in my life (coming next), but as I was looking at them again in a new light (literally), I realized I didn’t want them to continue on this journey with me (dramatic).

It’s a good idea to take the time to reevaluate each item. Ask yourself if it still fits, if you still love it, and if you have actually worn it recently. Be honest with yourself and don’t hold on to things just because you feel guilty getting rid of them.

Remember, the goal is to create a curated wardrobe that reflects your style and makes you feel good. Holding on to unnecessary items will only create clutter and make it more difficult to find and enjoy the pieces you truly love.

3. Don’t Use Shopping as a Way To Take Your Mind Off Things

There were a good 11 months in this 15+ month process that were just, rough, to put it mildly. Even though I “knew better”, there were times that I used shopping as a way to take my mind off the current situation.

New clothes meant new outfit ideas, new pictures to take, new posts to write…which isn’t a bad thing in my job, of course, and it’s natural to want to find a way to escape from the chaos and uncertainty. Retail therapy, as they call it. But using shopping as a way to take your mind off things is a slippery slope.

When I first started unpacking, I kept finding newer clothes that felt very random to me. They were clothes that were an impulse purchase, worn a few times, and then not a good fit for me anymore. Once the initial excitement wore off from these clothes, I was left with more stuff to pack, unpack, and find a place for in my new home. Ultimately, I ended up donating these items because the goal is to have a more intentional and curated wardrobe.

But here’s the important thing: I didn’t feel guilty about it. I just saw it as a learning moment and a reminder that shopping is not a good coping mechanism. I reminded myself of the healthier ways to deal with stress, such as taking breaks to go for a walk, getting lost in a good historical fiction book (by Kristin Hannah), and even just sitting down with a cup of tea and a journal.

These activities allowed me to take a step back and breathe instead of accumulating more stuff. Not only that, but it allowed me to appreciate the items I already had before rushing to add more to my collection.

Related: Ready To Get Organized? Here’s How To Get Past the Mental Hurdles of Decluttering Your Wardrobe

4. You Don’t Need As Many Clothes As You Think (Don’t Give Into the Temptation To Hold On to Everything)

The temptation to hold on to everything is strong, especially if you have a sentimental attachment to certain items or fear that you might need them in the future. It’s easy to think, “What if I regret getting rid of this?” or “I might wear this someday.” But in reality, holding on to everything can lead to clutter and unnecessary stress.

During my move, I faced this temptation head-on. As I packed up my clothes, I found myself hesitating to let go of items. I had to remind myself of something that I teach and preach – if I hadn’t reached for them in the past, I probably wouldn’t in the future! It was a challenging process at times, but it forced me to be honest with myself about what I truly needed and loved.

After all, holding on to everything holds you back from embracing a more streamlined and intentional wardrobe. And on the topic of intentional wardrobes, it’s easy to think that we need an abundance of clothes to feel satisfied. We fall into the trap of believing that having more options equals having more style. But the truth is, we don’t need as many clothes as we think.

Through my experience of moving and living with a smaller wardrobe, I was reminded that having fewer clothes can actually be liberating. It forces us to be more intentional with our choices and to truly appreciate the pieces we have. Instead of mindlessly shopping and accumulating items that we rarely wear, we can focus on curating a collection that reflects our personal style and makes us feel happy to wear.

5. The 80/20 Rule Is Real

When it comes to our wardrobes, the 80/20 rule is real and it’s a game-changer. This rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, states that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time.

Packing up most of my clothes was a little sad, truthfully, and I thought I would miss a lot of them. But I got to be reminded of how much I reach for my same favorite wardrobe basics that are stylish yet comfortable enough to be worn regularly.

Think about it: How often do you find yourself reaching for the same favorite jeans or that one cozy sweater? Most likely, it’s a small portion of your wardrobe that gets the most use. Understanding the 80/20 rule can be incredibly liberating. It means that you don’t need to have a closet bursting with clothes to have a stylish and functional wardrobe.

In fact, having fewer items can actually make getting dressed easier and more enjoyable. By focusing on the 20% of your clothes that you truly love and wear regularly, you can create a curated collection that reflects your personal style.

Give it a try yourself. Take a look at your wardrobe and consider the items that you wear most often. What do they have in common? Is it the fit, the fabric, or the style? Use these insights to guide future purchases and declutter any items that don’t align with your favorites. Embrace the 80/20 rule and watch as your wardrobe becomes more streamlined, versatile, and effortless!

outfit details (right)

6. Distance Can Help You Rediscover Old Favorites and Find New Ones

After unpacking my clothes and finally settling into my new home, I couldn’t wait to rediscover my old favorites and “find” new pieces to love. As I started to sort through my wardrobe, it was like reuniting with long-lost friends.

Rediscovering old favorites brought a sense of nostalgia and comfort. I remembered the special occasions when I had worn these clothes and the confidence they had given me. It was like reconnecting with a part of myself that had been temporarily hidden away.

But the best part of unpacking was the opportunity to find new favorites! As I organized my clothes and put together new outfits, I discovered pieces that had been neglected and overlooked in the past. I realized that my wardrobe was full of hidden gems, waiting to be worn and appreciated.

In the process of rediscovering old favorites and finding new ones, I developed a deeper appreciation for the clothes I already owned. It wasn’t about having the latest trends or the most extensive collection, but rather about curating a wardrobe that reflected my personality and made me feel confident.

Being separated from your clothes during a moving process gives you the opportunity to truly appreciate and reflect on each item. As you unpack, you may come across pieces that you forgot you had or ones that hold sentimental value.

Rediscovering these old favorites can bring a sense of nostalgia and joy. Plus, the physical distance between your old and new home can provide a fresh perspective on your clothing collection, allowing you to approach your clothes with a new set of eyes!

7. Never Pack Away the Wardrobe Staples

When it comes to clothing storage during a move, you might be unsure about what’s worth keeping in your closet and what you can live without. It can be tempting to pack away all of your clothes, buy new temporary pieces, and leave the old clothes in storage until you’re settled in your new home. Though I never considered packing away my wardrobe staples, keeping them accessible proved to be the right thing.

Your wardrobe staples are those timeless pieces that you reach for time and time again. They’re the reliable go-tos that can be styled with other things in your closet and always make you feel comfortable. Packing them away and not having them readily available can leave you feeling like something is missing.

Instead, prioritize your wardrobe staples and make sure they’re easily accessible when you move. Whether it’s your favorite pair of jeans, a classic white t-shirt, or a cozy sweater, having these items at your fingertips will make getting dressed in the morning a breeze.

Plus, they’ll serve as the foundation for creating a variety of stylish outfits. When it comes to clothing storage or decluttering during a move, remember to keep the basics close and let them be the anchors of your new wardrobe.

outfit details (left) | outfit details (right)

Though I hope I never have to move again (joking but not really), the lessons learned in a decluttering and moving process can be invaluable!

Do you want to get started on a minimalist wardrobe journey? I created a free shopping checklist for you that will get you started on the wardrobe basics!

In the meantime, keep reading: Everything You Need To Get Started With Your 2023 Capsule Wardrobe

The post What I Learned Taking My Clothes out of Storage After 15 Months appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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Your Body Deserves Better: 15 Secret Lies We Tell Ourselves When Dressing https://www.mychicobsession.com/lies-we-tell-ourselves-when-dressing/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/lies-we-tell-ourselves-when-dressing/#respond Sat, 24 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=48487 It’s no secret that women are often hard on themselves when it comes to their appearance and the way they dress. We constantly tell ourselves lies about our clothes, our wardrobes, our closets, and our bodies. Does this sound familiar? You might even find yourself telling yourself lies like “I’ll never find something that looks […]

The post Your Body Deserves Better: 15 Secret Lies We Tell Ourselves When Dressing appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

It’s no secret that women are often hard on themselves when it comes to their appearance and the way they dress. We constantly tell ourselves lies about our clothes, our wardrobes, our closets, and our bodies. Does this sound familiar? You might even find yourself telling yourself lies like “I’ll never find something that looks good on me.” It’s time to start taking action and combatting these lies we tell ourselves! In this post, we’ll discuss 15 of the most common lies women tell themselves about their clothing and body image, as well as how to move past them in order to feel more confident and empowered.

1. “I’ll never find something that looks good on me.”

One of the most common lies we tell ourselves is that we’ll never find something that looks good on us. Whether it’s due to our body shape, skin tone, or personal style, this thought can be incredibly defeating when it comes to choosing clothes that make us feel confident and comfortable.

However, it’s important to remember that there are plenty of options out there for everyone! It might take some time and effort to find the right pieces, but they do exist. And when we do find those items that flatter our bodies and reflect our personal tastes, the feeling of satisfaction is worth the search.

2. “This was expensive, so I have to wear it.”

Have you ever found yourself holding onto a piece of clothing simply because it was expensive, even though it doesn’t fit or isn’t flattering on your body? This is a common thing that women do. They feel guilty for spending money on something they don’t wear and convince themselves that they must wear it to justify the expense.

But the truth is, keeping clothes that don’t fit or flatter your body is not doing you any favors. You’ve already spent the money. The money is gone whether you wear it or not. And actually, sometimes you can even make some money back if you decide to let it go and sell it!

But whether you sell it or not, it’s important to prioritize your comfort and confidence over the cost of an item. Wearing clothes that don’t fit properly or don’t make you feel good about yourself can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. Not to mention the guilt that you are reminded of every time you see or wear this item.

Instead of keeping these items in your closet, consider donating them to a local thrift store or selling them online. This way, someone else can enjoy them and you can feel good about passing them along.

And going forward, try to resist the urge to buy something simply because it’s expensive or on sale. Take the time to consider if it fits your body well, if it complements your personal style, and if it makes you feel confident. Remember, it’s not about the cost of the item, but how it makes you feel when you wear it.

white vest spring outfit

3. “I can’t wear this because of my body shape.”

How often have you picked out an outfit you love only to reject it because you don’t think it will flatter your body shape? It’s easy to get stuck in the mindset that certain clothing styles are only meant for certain body types, and while there is truth to this, anyone can wear any style they want, with a few modifications.

For example, if you’re petite, you might think that you can’t wear long maxi dresses or wide-leg pants because they hide your legs and they’ll make you look shorter. But with the right accessories, these styles can actually elongate your frame and make you appear taller.

Similarly, if you have a curvy figure, you might shy away from form-fitting clothing because you’re worried about highlighting your curves too much. However, embracing your curves can actually be a confidence boost, and there are plenty of styles out there that can highlight your shape in a flattering way without being too revealing.

The key to overcoming this lie is to experiment with different styles, cuts, and silhouettes until you find the version of the style that works for you.

4. “I need to dress my age.”

One of the most common lies that women tell themselves as they get older is that they need to dress a certain way based on their age. But the truth is, age should never be a determining factor in what you wear!

Yes, there is something to say about dressing age appropriately and I’m all about choosing class, but the slippery slope is when we let society’s expectations of how you should dress dictate your style.

Just because you’re a grandma doesn’t mean that you can’t show your shoulders, wear leopard print ankle boots, or shop at Madewell. You aren’t confined to orthopedic shoes and sewing your own clothes for life! (Unless you want to, of course, and in that case, I support you 100%.)

Dress for yourself and your own personal taste. As long as you feel comfortable and confident in what you’re wearing, it doesn’t matter if it’s deemed “appropriate” for your age.

Related: What is a Classy Woman? Here Are 9 Examples To Become One

5. “Who really cares how I look?”

We may think that nobody is paying attention to our outfit or appearance, so why bother putting effort into it? However, the truth is that how we present ourselves can have a significant impact on how we are perceived by others – and how we feel about ourselves.

The most obvious example is if we show up to a job interview in a wrinkled, ill-fitting outfit. The interviewer may question our professionalism and attention to detail. On the other hand, if we show up in a well-fitted suit or dress, it shows that we put effort into our appearance and take the opportunity seriously.

Even if you aren’t interviewing for a new job but are, say, just walking into a store, your appearance can inspire other people. Want to know how I know? Because I get inspired by other people. Seeing someone take the time to look nice inspires me because I want to continue to do the same.

Even more importantly, how we feel about ourselves and our appearance can affect our confidence and self-esteem. If we feel frumpy or unkempt in our outfit, it can lead to negative self-talk and insecurity throughout the day. On the flip side, if we feel confident and put together, it can lead to a more positive outlook and increased self-assurance.

So while it may feel like nobody cares how we look, people are watching and subconsciously taking notes. By taking the time to put together outfits that make us feel confident and comfortable, we can combat this lie and present our best selves to the world.

white vest spring outfit

6. “I need to look perfect all the time.”

On the flip side, it’s unhealthy to think that one, perfection exists, and two, you must achieve it. This mentality stems from society’s unrealistic beauty standards that we constantly see on social media and in magazines. But as you know, no one is perfect, and trying to achieve an unattainable level of perfection can be damaging to our mental health and self-esteem.

We often put immense pressure on ourselves to look perfect and wear the perfect clothes, but in reality, it’s important to accept and embrace our imperfections. Instead of striving for perfection, focus on feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin. Confidence is truly the key to looking and feeling great!

Another aspect of this lie is the notion that we need to be perfectly put together all the time. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to have lazy days and not always look flawless. There’s nothing wrong with throwing on some comfy clothes and enjoying a relaxed day. This doesn’t make us any less beautiful or valuable.

The reality is that nobody is judging us as harshly as we judge ourselves. It’s time to let go of the pressure to look perfect all the time and instead embrace our flaws and imperfections.

Related: How to Embrace Your Personal Style and Not Worry What Others Think

7. “I could never wear that.”

Have you ever seen someone wearing a daring outfit or a certain style and thought, “I could never wear that”? Before we even begin the day, we limit ourselves by believing that certain styles or pieces are not meant for us.

The truth is, there is no such thing as a “perfect” outfit. What may work for one person may not work for another, and that’s okay. But the next time you find yourself thinking, “I could never wear that,” challenge yourself to try it out. Take a fashion risk and step out of your comfort zone. You may be surprised at how confident and empowered you feel.

And if a certain trend or style doesn’t work for you? Don’t beat yourself up about it. In fact, give yourself a pat on the back. You tried something new!

8. “I’ll wear this when I lose weight.”

One of the biggest lies women tell themselves is that they will finally wear a certain item of clothing when they lose weight. This lie often leads to a cluttered closet and a negative body image. We have all been guilty of holding onto clothes that we hope will fit us one day. We hold onto that dress that we love but haven’t been able to wear in years, or that pair of jeans that are just a little too snug.

The problem with this mindset is that it puts our happiness and confidence on hold until we reach our desired weight. It also puts unnecessary pressure on us to lose weight, which can be unhealthy. The truth is, our bodies are constantly changing, and holding onto clothes that don’t fit just reinforces negative self-talk.

Instead of waiting to wear an outfit until we lose weight, we need to focus on finding clothes that make us feel good in the present moment. We need to be kinder to ourselves and our bodies, recognizing that we are beautiful just as we are. It’s important to focus on the positives, such as the way an outfit makes us feel confident and comfortable, rather than just focusing on the negatives, like whether it fits perfectly or not.

One way to combat this lie is to start dressing for the body we have now, not the body we want. We should prioritize comfort and confidence over size and shape. We can experiment with different styles and silhouettes to find what works best for our bodies. And, most importantly, we should let go of the pressure to fit into a certain size or look a certain way. Let’s embrace the body we have now and dress it with love and respect!

white vest spring outfit

9. “I don’t have enough money to look nice.”

You see wealthy influencers sharing certain clothes that you can’t afford and then next thing you know, you’ve convinced yourself that you can’t look nice since you don’t have a big clothing budget like them. And though that lie is convincing, it’s still just that, a lie.

Many women believe that in order to look good, they need to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes. While it’s true that higher-end clothing is usually higher quality and worth it, it doesn’t mean that you can’t look stylish on a budget.

One way to combat this lie is to focus on quality over quantity. Instead of buying a lot of cheaper clothes that won’t last long, invest in a few high-quality pieces that will stand the test of time. Look for classic, versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down and worn in a variety of ways.

Another way to save money is to shop secondhand or at thrift stores. You can find great deals on gently used clothing that is still in great condition. It’s also a more sustainable option than constantly buying new clothes.

Most importantly, get creative with your wardrobe! Mix and match different pieces to create new outfits, and experiment with different styles and accessories. You don’t need a lot of money to look great – you just need to be creative and resourceful.

Do you need help building your dream wardrobe from scratch? I created a resource for you that will help you build a classic and versatile wardrobe from beginning to end!

10. “I look ugly in that.”

How many times have you stood in front of the mirror, feeling frustrated and disheartened because you can’t find anything in your closet that makes you feel beautiful? How many times have you dismissed an outfit before even giving it a chance, convinced that you’ll look ugly in it? This negative self-talk is toxic and needs to stop!

First things first: You’re not ugly. And I know what you’re thinking, “How can you say that? You aren’t looking at me.” The truth is, I don’t need to see you to know that you are beautiful. God only creates beauty.

And second, the word, “ugly”, is damaging enough in and of itself. What’s more, we often limit ourselves and our fashion choices based on this negative self-talk. But the truth is, you are the only one who sees yourself in such a negative light. You are your own worst critic.

To combat this lie, the first thing you need to do is to stop comparing yourself to others. (Easier said than done, right?) It’s easy to look at someone else and think, “I could never pull that off,” but remember that we all have our own unique style and body type. What looks great on someone else might not look the same on you, and that’s okay. Just because it doesn’t flatter you the way you want it to doesn’t mean you are ugly.

Instead of focusing on what you think looks ugly on you, try shifting your focus to what you do like about your body. Accentuate your favorite features with clothing that makes you feel good, whether that be a bold lip color, a flowy dress that flatters your curves, or a statement accessory that draws attention to your face.

11. “I don’t have the right occasion to wear this.”

We’ve all said this at least once when staring at a gorgeous dress online or an outfit in our closet. But why do we limit ourselves by thinking we need a specific occasion to wear something we love? Sure, you may not be able to wear a sparkly cocktail dress to work, but there are still plenty of opportunities to rock it!

Why not host a fancy dinner party with your friends or create some other special occasion to wear it? The truth is, there’s always a right occasion to wear something you love – even if you have to create the occasion yourself.

You don’t have to wait for a wedding or a gala to wear that fancy dress either. Throw on a denim jacket and some sandals, and wear it out for brunch with your friends. That statement piece you’re too afraid to wear to work? Pair it with a more muted outfit and let it be the star of the show.

Don’t let the fear of standing out or being overdressed hold you back from wearing what makes you feel confident and happy. The occasion doesn’t matter as much as how you feel in your clothes. Trust me, when you feel good, it shows. And who knows? Wearing something out of the ordinary might inspire others to step out of their comfort zones as well.

white vest spring outfit

12. “I have nothing to wear.”

Ah, this is one of the most common lies we tell ourselves when we stand in front of our closet! In reality, we have plenty of clothes, but we might not know how to put them together. Or the problem is that we get stuck in a style rut, wearing the same outfits over and over again.

To combat this lie, take a step back and reassess your wardrobe. Do you need to declutter and get rid of items you no longer wear? Maybe you need to organize your closet, so you can easily see what you have and what you need. Perhaps you just need to try mixing and matching items you already own in new ways. And if all else fails, try incorporating a few new pieces to freshen up your look. But remember, you don’t need a completely new wardrobe to feel stylish and put together.

Related: Reinvent Your Wardrobe: How To Put Together Outfits With Clothes You Already Have

13. “I’ll keep this just in case I need it.”

We all have that one item in our wardrobe that we’ve been holding onto for years, just in case we need it for a special occasion. Whether it’s a cocktail dress, a blazer, or a pair of heels, we convince ourselves that it’s better to hold onto it than to get rid of it.

But the truth is, that item is probably just taking up space in your closet and causing unnecessary stress. If you haven’t worn it in the past year, chances are you won’t wear it in the future either.

The solution? Get rid of it. Donate it to a charity or sell it online. This way, someone else can enjoy it, and you can free up some space in your closet. Plus, you’ll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders knowing that you’re not holding onto something that you don’t need.

And if you do find yourself in need of something for a special occasion, there’s always the option to rent or borrow from a friend. Don’t let the fear of not having something hold you back from letting go of what you don’t need. Trust me, you’ll feel better for it.

white vest spring outfit

14. “It doesn’t matter; I’ll just wear this even though it doesn’t fit well.”

Many of us have experienced that moment of staring into our closet and settling on something that doesn’t fit quite right. Maybe it’s a dress that’s too tight or a pair of jeans that squeeze in all the wrong places. Whatever it is, we convince ourselves that it’s better than nothing and that no one will notice.

But the truth is, we’re only fooling ourselves! Wearing clothes that don’t fit properly can actually make us look worse than if we didn’t bother getting dressed at all. Clothes that are too tight can create unflattering lumps and make us feel self-conscious. Clothes that are too loose can look sloppy and unkempt.

So why do we do it? Why do we settle for ill-fitting clothes? Maybe we don’t want to admit that we’ve gained weight or maybe we don’t want to invest in a new wardrobe. Whatever the reason, it’s time to stop the cycle.

First, take an honest look at your wardrobe and assess what doesn’t fit properly. If it’s something that can be altered, take it to a tailor or try your hand at some DIY alterations. If it’s something that can’t be fixed, it’s time to let it go.

Moving forward, invest in clothes that fit well. This doesn’t mean you have to break the bank – there are plenty of affordable options out there. Wearing clothes that fit properly can boost your confidence and make you feel great about yourself. So next time you’re tempted to settle for something that doesn’t fit, remind yourself that you deserve better.

15. “I’m too fat to wear anything nice.”

This is one of the most damaging lies women tell themselves about their bodies. It’s a common belief that being overweight means you can’t dress fashionably or stylishly. But the truth is, every woman can look fabulous – no matter their size!

It’s important to recognize that your body size and shape should not limit your fashion choices. There are countless options available to women of all shapes and sizes, and there are more size-inclusive brands now than ever. Embrace your curves and find styles that flatter your body type. Don’t hide behind baggy clothing or feel like you have to settle for unattractive outfits just because you’re not a certain size.

Another way to combat this lie is to challenge societal beauty standards. We’re bombarded with images of thin, toned models in magazines and advertisements, but the reality is that these standards are unrealistic and unattainable for most women. Don’t let these images make you feel like you’re not good enough. Instead, embrace your unique beauty and recognize that there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fashion and style.

Related: How To Dress Well While Losing Weight and Look Ultra Stylish While You’re In-Between Sizes

white vest spring outfit

When to Seek Professional Help

It’s important to note that struggling with negative body image and self-esteem issues is a common experience for many women. However, when these feelings become overwhelming and begin to interfere with daily life, it may be time to seek professional help.

If you find yourself constantly preoccupied with negative thoughts about your body, or if your self-esteem issues are causing you to avoid social situations or interfere with your relationships, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional. They can provide support, guidance, and resources to help you overcome these negative thought patterns and learn to love yourself for who you are.

It’s important to remember that seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a brave step towards self-improvement and a healthier mindset. So don’t be afraid to reach out for support when you need it!

You’re well on your way to feeling more confident with your wardrobe. Want even more tips? Keep reading: 7 Ways To Feel More Confident With Your Wardrobe – Starting Today

The post Your Body Deserves Better: 15 Secret Lies We Tell Ourselves When Dressing appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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13 Things To Stop Buying if You Want To Save Money https://www.mychicobsession.com/12-things-to-stop-buying-if-you-want-to-save-money/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/12-things-to-stop-buying-if-you-want-to-save-money/#respond Thu, 08 Sep 2022 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=41196 If you’ve spent hours scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, chances are you know just how easy it is to get bombarded with viral products. These apps have become mini online stores, so it’s kind of hard not to exit the app without thinking you *have* to buy something. This can happen to anyone and though […]

The post 13 Things To Stop Buying if You Want To Save Money appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

If you’ve spent hours scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, chances are you know just how easy it is to get bombarded with viral products. These apps have become mini online stores, so it’s kind of hard not to exit the app without thinking you *have* to buy something. This can happen to anyone and though I’m all for things that spark joy, sometimes things can get out of control. If you want to minimize your clutter and maximize your budget, here are things to stop buying if you want to save money!

1. Loungewear

skims cozy knit set

If there’s anything that’s exploded in the past few years, it’s loungewear. At first, it made sense. We were all spending a lot more time at home and weren’t prepared for it, in more ways than one. But what became getting a few new sets of comfy clothes for working from home quickly exploded into drawers stuffed to the brim with leggings, joggers, and matching sets.

While cozying up in loungewear feels amazing, you don’t need to have an excess amount in your closet. I know a lot of brands are coming up with their own loungewear line, and it can be tempting to buy every color and design, however, if you already have several sets hanging in your closet, you probably don’t need another one!

2. Glassware


Tiktokers love unique-looking glassware, especially those retro wavy-accent glass tumblers. And every time you go on Instagram, it seems as if every lifestyle influencer is linking to their aesthetically pleasing cups.

Now, I love aesthetically-pleasing glassware as much as the next girl, however, you don’t need as much as you think you do. Because let’s face it, they will most likely just end up sitting in your cabinets.

3. Workout/Athleisure Clothes

source kellyfiance

Now with athleisure being a fashion aesthetic in and of itself, gone are the days when gym clothes were just for the gym. And whether you’re on Tiktok or Instagram, it’s easy to feel like you need to buy every single collection to fit in, especially when this is the “it” style.

But you don’t need to! If you already have workout clothes in your closet, you don’t need 20 more sets to look like a casual girl or an Instagram fitness influencer.

4. Organizational Bins

source Pinterest

By now you have probably seen those pantry organization videos all over social media. As aesthetically pleasing and inspiring as those videos are, they can make us feel as if our home isn’t good enough unless everything is in a clear bin with a calligraphed label.

Though I would never tell someone not to organize and make it look good (I live for aesthetically pleasing organization myself), you do have to know when enough is enough. Make it look good…then keep it that way! If you want to save money, don’t jump on every new organizational system and limit your stops to The Container Store.

And better yet, embrace a little bit of emptiness in your pantry. You don’t have to fill every space with a woven basket. Keep your pantry stocked as the Parisians do: limit snacking and only have the essentials or your favorites stocked to avoid waste.

Related post: How to Get a Parisian-Themed Kitchen That Is Très Chic

5. Office Supplies (Stationary, Planners, & Notebooks)


If you are a stationery lover, I’m sure you love collecting beautiful notebooks, planners, and stationery to display on your desk. While this can be pretty to look at, the truth is that most people don’t write handwritten notes anymore and it ends up becoming clutter and wasted money.

If you want to save money, limit yourself to not buying any new paper products until you’ve used up what you already have! Not only will this minimize the clutter, but you’ll only buy something when there’s a need instead of buying things whenever you feel influenced.

Or as another option, consider using a digital alternative like Google calendar. It’s an effective tool to keep you organized. Plus, you can change the colors and design on the calendar to make it look pretty.

And when it comes to office supplies and especially those “Insta famous” products like translucent sticky notes, exercise self-awareness. Ask yourself, “Am I someone that actually uses and needs sticky notes?” For some people, that may be a yes. For others, trendy office supplies just end up being desk clutter.

6. Cute Water Bottles

source buzzfeed

Social media influence that encourages people to drink water? Now, that’s something I can get behind. But what starts off as something good turns into something that makes you feel as if you need to keep buying stylish water bottles.

Buy a stylish water bottle (or a Stanley Cup) and stick with it until it breaks down. You’ll save a good amount of money sticking with what you have instead of routinely cycling through different aesthetically pleasing options.

7. Nail Polish

source thirteenthoughts

In the beauty world, lately it’s been the trend to recreate whatever nail look is the most popular. (Right now it’s Hailey Bieber’s glazed donut nails). Not only is it hard to keep up, but filling your makeup drawer with different nail polish (or visiting the salon) can get very expensive.

Unless you own a nail salon, you don’t need to buy every nail polish in the rainbow. If you’re looking to save money and prefer to do your nails at home, then consider paring back and keeping only your essentials on hand. Such as your favorite color for every season and a few neutral tones for year-round.

8. Peel-Off Face Masks

peel off face mask
source luvmelodyy

Peel-off face masks are a hit on social media. A lot of people believe that applying gold or holographic mask will make their skin better, but don’t let the hype fool you. The face masks do remove some bacteria and debris, but that’s about it.

Licensed esthetician Evie Reyna (via Insider) says, “Sad to say that the “peel-off” aspect which makes this mask type so fun and photo-worthy is the same reason this mask makes skin-care professionals cringe ever so slightly.”

The mask strips away sebaceous filaments which keep the skin balanced. Certified clinical aromatherapist Kirsten King recommends not to use peel-off face masks because they risk removing too much sebum. And when you remove a lot of sebum, your skin produces a lot to compensate for the loss. And the result? Oily and irritated skin.

9. Beauty Tools

beauty gadgets

From a facial roller to a gua sha tool and even a light therapy mask, nothing quite takes up unnecessary space in your vanity like beauty gadgets. And I get it, it’s tempting to jump on the latest thing if it promises to fix all your skincare concerns.

For some people, these beauty tools may actually work. And that’s awesome! But for most of us, they end up being something we purchase, try out for a few weeks, then throw in the back of our drawer.

If you want to save money on things you don’t really need, consider passing on these tools as they are not a guaranteed solution to flawless skin. Instead, focus your efforts on a quality skincare routine and save for professional facial treatments.

10. Blankets

cozy blankets

If you’re like me and you love cozy nights, drinking hot drinks, and snuggling up to watch a good show, then you probably collect blankets. Speaking to myself here, but you really don’t need to have more than a dozen blankets. Not only do they take up space, but buying a new blanket every few months really adds up.

When it comes to blankets, prioritize quality over quantity. Spend the extra money on that one blanket that’s big enough and cozy enough to make it worth it and stop impulse buying ones that aren’t up to par or lose their coziness in the wash.

The Hype: “This item is an overwhelming hit with everyone that has received them!! They are so soft, so warm, wash well, when you buy one you’ll regret not buying two!! If there is one “gotta get” purchase ever it is a Barefoot Dreams Throw item!!”

11. Lip Colors

source pintsizedbeauty

You’ve only got two lips…so is having a lot of lip colors necessary? Not exactly. 😉 Sure, having rows and rows of tubes of lipsticks on display would look cute on your vanity, but most of the lipsticks will be unused and can take up a lot of space.

That said, to save money, narrow it down to your top favorites and the ones you wear frequently. And moving forward, consider not allowing yourself to buy any more until your existing tubes are empty.

12. Candles

bust candle

These days everyone is obsessing over candles (myself included). From body sculpted candles to Diptyque candles, yes, they look good on a coffee table, but most of them go unused. Not to mention they can be pricey!

If they’re used as decor, then to save money, ask yourself if your bookcase really needs another aesthetic candle. And if you actually do use them, wait until they’ve been used up to buy another. No more collecting!

13. Random Kitchen Gadgets 

3D Printed Banana Slicer  Perfectly Sliced Bananas  Great image 1
source Etsy

From a melon baller scoop to a banana slicer to an egg cooker, sure, these all look useful when you see them online, but then you purchase them and realize that they’re clunky to use and take up much-needed cabinet space. Or you just forget you have them!

Just like beauty tools, certain kitchen devices can be handy and save time. But the problem is when you start collecting random kitchen gadgets that actually take up more mental space to remember to use when it may be faster to just do it yourself (banana slicer I’m looking at you).

If you want to spend money on kitchen devices, stick to the classics like a high-quality frying pan or versatile devices, like a grater that can grate everything from veggies to cheese.

And on the note of versatility, why not invest in one kitchen device that can do multiple things? This will allow you to save space and money.

The Hype: 4.6/5 “This is the best food chopper I’ve ever used! I have bought seven of these for myself and gifts. They are a must-have…”

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By now we have seen so many viral product recommendations on Instagram and Tiktok. Whether it’s butt sculpting leggings or gua shas, these apps have inspired us to spend money we need on things we don’t. So if you’re looking to pare back and save money, then reference this list!

For more money-saving tips, learn how to control your spending habits.

Up next: Is Your Shopping Getting Out of Control? Here’s How To Get It Back on Track

scented candles aesthetic

The post 13 Things To Stop Buying if You Want To Save Money appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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How To Build Your Confidence as a Woman https://www.mychicobsession.com/how-to-build-your-confidence-as-a-woman/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/how-to-build-your-confidence-as-a-woman/#comments Tue, 30 Aug 2022 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=39824 Do you ever wonder how confident women manage to have high levels of self-esteem? It’s like they were naturally born with it. They are not afraid to make eye contact with new people, they carry themselves so gracefully, and they’re comfortable in their own skin. They have a confident attitude that leaves anyone with low […]

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Do you ever wonder how confident women manage to have high levels of self-esteem? It’s like they were naturally born with it. They are not afraid to make eye contact with new people, they carry themselves so gracefully, and they’re comfortable in their own skin. They have a confident attitude that leaves anyone with low self-esteem wishing they could be the same.

Confident women make it look so easy. But anyone with a lack of confidence would disagree. When your mind is filled with negative thoughts about yourself, approaching people or new challenges can be pretty terrifying.

And if you’ve had people constantly pointing out “how quiet” you are, it is never a good feeling. It doesn’t help build healthy self-esteem. Thankfully, there are several ways you can start confidence-building techniques to help you become the best version of yourself. Below, you will find out how to build your confidence as a woman.

1. Work on Your Posture and Body Language

hotel editorial fashion photography

First things first, focus on your body language and posture.

One of the habits of confident women is that they make conscious efforts to keep an upright posture. Clinical psychologists have concluded that this is the best way to help give you high self-esteem. So stand up straight and don’t slouch. Don’t let any negative self-talk make you slump over and hide yourself.

Not only is good posture a sign of a confident person, but the right body language is as well.

Do you tend to look down a lot when talking to people? Keep your chin up and try to keep eye contact with people. It is an effective way to make yourself more attractive in romantic relationships and a powerful way to make connections in your professional life.

Another body language that is also a sign of confidence issues is fidgeting. Fidgeting may feel like the comfortable thing to do to cope in unfamiliar scenarios. This is why it’s tempting to do this when you are in new environments.

However, it can affect the way you interact in social situations. It also makes you look anxious. So the next time you need to attend a work event or a casual gathering, take a new approach. Try folding your arms instead. This can be a great way to look self-assured.

2. Surround Yourself With Confident People

confident women

Cut off toxic relationships that affect your mental health. The more you stick around with anyone who doesn’t agree with a self-improvement mindset, the less likely you will feel confident doing great things. (In the case of family and close friends, perhaps a heart-to-heart conversation is needed to let them know how their actions are impacting the relationship.)

Instead, focus on having an inner circle of female friends who portray high-self confidence. These women usually have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to positive self-talk and taking on leadership positions.

When you hang out with these women, you subconsciously pick up their confident behavior. And eventually, you will start to believe in your own abilities.

3. Work on Your Smile

matching linen set summer outfit

When it comes to building confidence, it is not always about what you say but how you smile as well. The way you smile can instantly change the way you feel and look!

Keep in mind that you don’t need to have the most perfect smile. You don’t need to full-out grin either. Just a polite smile can work. However, if you think you have an awkward smile, take small steps by practicing in the mirror. Find the best angles that compliment your features.

Practicing smiling regularly is also a good way to build your confidence as a woman. Some women choose not to do this because they think it is a sign of weakness.

However, a straight face may give negative connotations of a woman who doesn’t have high self-confidence. So try to smile frequently as it helps to give off an aura of a poised woman.

Related: What is a Classy Woman? Here Are 9 Examples To Become One!

4. Cultivate Timeless Style

camel coat outfit

Building your confidence as a woman is also about dressing the part. As the cliché goes, “When you look good, you feel good.” Your physical appearance plays a big role in your self-esteem, so put the effort into the way you dress.

Consider following a timeless signature style. Putting on classic and fashionable looks will give you higher self-esteem and make you brave to go out and meet new people.

5. Know When To Say No

classy outfit

Learning how to say no is a good way to learn how to build your confidence as a woman. If you realize that you say “yes” to people because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, it’s time to change.

You may feel guilty at first, but over time you will realize how your confidence will boost. Plus, you will no longer have to stretch yourself too thin and you can say “yes” to the things that truly matter.

Saying no can be hard, especially to loved ones. Fortunately, there are different ways to say no in a non-offensive way to a family member or your best friend.

For instance, if you are busy and can’t go to dinner, you can say “Now is not a good time. How about another time?” And then suggest a date that works better. You have prioritized your obligations, but you’ve assured them that you still care.

6. Don’t Dwell on Past Mistakes

black linen midi dress

It can be tough to admit, but the inner critic in your head can be a reason why you have a lack of self-confidence. You might remember small things you did in the past that were embarrassing and those negative memories can stop you from being a confident version of yourself.

But don’t let your past mistakes define who you are. Emulate confident women by having positive thoughts about yourself. Try to remember your achievements and best moments-this is a good way to improve low self-confidence as it reminds you that you are capable of good things.

7. Fake It Till You Make It

hotel editorial fashion photography

It takes a lot of hard work to become a confident woman every day, so it is okay to fake it till you make it on some days. As cliché as it sounds, it works. You would be surprised to hear that a lot of confident women admit they do this.

So even if you don’t feel fully confident yet, it’s okay. It can’t happen overnight so don’t be hard on yourself. For now, you stand confidently and continue working on having a positive attitude in the meantime.

8. Accept Compliments

Paris themed party

When it comes to learning how to build your confidence as a woman, it is not always about how you reach out to people. It is also how you accept compliments.

Don’t deflate your confidence by not accepting compliments from friends, family, and strangers. Use those compliments as positive affirmations!

Plus, it can be frustrating to try to give someone a compliment and have them keep rejecting it. Rejecting compliments can actually come across as insecure-not humble.

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Lack of self-confidence: many women struggle with this, but that doesn’t mean you can’t develop good self-esteem. These 8 tips will teach you how to build your confidence as a woman if having low confidence has held you back from accomplishing new goals, making friends, and finding joy.

The 9th step to building your confidence as a woman is making yourself prettier without makeup!

Up next: How To Make Yourself Prettier Without Makeup: 6 Transformative Ways That Are Easier Than You Think

Trench coat and black heels outfit
how to build your confidence as a woman

The post How To Build Your Confidence as a Woman appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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10 Life-Changing Secrets of Women Who Age Well https://www.mychicobsession.com/10-life-changing-secrets-of-women-who-age-well/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/10-life-changing-secrets-of-women-who-age-well/#comments Mon, 29 Aug 2022 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=39990 Aging: it’s inevitable. Every woman is going to age, but not every woman will age well. Maybe you can’t escape minimal fine lines and sun spots, but you can still have a radiant outlook on life and an impeccable style. Some women are pretty secretive about how they look young for their age, but thankfully, […]

The post 10 Life-Changing Secrets of Women Who Age Well appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

Aging: it’s inevitable. Every woman is going to age, but not every woman will age well. Maybe you can’t escape minimal fine lines and sun spots, but you can still have a radiant outlook on life and an impeccable style. Some women are pretty secretive about how they look young for their age, but thankfully, there are women who are not so tight-lipped about how they’ve aged gracefully. Keep reading to learn the secrets of women who age well!

1. They Don’t Rely on Heavy Plastic Surgery 

Woman with wrinkles

Aging is natural, and that’s going to happen to all of us…. I just want to always look like myself, even if that’s an older version of myself. I think when you do too much of that cosmetic stuff, you become somebody else in a way.

Halle Berry, 55

Contrary to popular belief, plastic surgery is not always the solution to aging well. Even though procedures like facelifts are designed to turn back the clock, they can also do the opposite. One secret to aging well is to strive for a natural appearance as you age.

Take cues from women who don’t rely on a lot of surgery to stop premature aging. These women do not obsess over altering their looks and they actually look better for it in the long run.

I’m sure you can think of many celebrities that have had too much work done. It’s obvious-and not in a good way. And most women come to regret it too. Courtney Cox (Monica from Friends), said her previous cosmetic injections made her look “really strange” and she would not get the same cosmetic procedures today.

Instead, a woman that ages well improves their looks in non-surgical and non-filler ways. They do treatments like chemical peels to remove the outer layer of old skin so the new skin that is replaced is smoother and less wrinkled.

When done right, by a dermatologist or esthetician, the end result is a natural and non-surgical way to have radiant skin!

2. They Have a Healthy Lifestyle

healthy lifestyle

Aging is out of your control. How you handle it, though, is in your hands.

Diane Von Furstenberg, 75

A major component of aging well is a healthy lifestyle. And one of the best ways of leading a healthy lifestyle is with a nutrient-rich diet. Whole grains, lean proteins, fresh fruits, and vegetables play a big role in how you age.

A comprehensive study by Harvard Medical school shows that this type of diet can help you age well by lowering your chances of getting heart disease. And of course, a balanced diet will help you reach a healthy weight and have glowing skin from the inside out.

3. They Have an Effective Beauty Routine

beauty product for aging well

Aging gracefully is about no heavy makeup, and not too much powder because it gets into the wrinkles…You don’t have to look like an old fuddy-duddy, but I believe it was Chanel who said, ‘Nothing makes a woman look so old as trying desperately hard to look young’.

Iris Apfel, 100

On top of a healthy diet, the secret of women who age well is an effective beauty routine. The saying, “You are what you eat,” also applies to your beauty routine. You are what you put on your skin when it comes to aging gracefully. Switching up your skincare routine is important as you reach the next decade of your life.

First and foremost, you need to wear sunscreen every day (even if it’s not sunny outside). A good SPF moisturizer will make a big difference on your skin if you use it consistently. Besides the obvious protection from skin cancer, it will also prevent those pesky brown spots, wrinkles, and large pores.

Women who age well would also recommend a thick moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. This key ingredient will help keep your menopause skin plump and resilient. Serums with retinol and Vitamin C are also great for evening out your skin tone and boosting cell turnover.

Related post: 5 Best Anti-Aging Skincare Products to Restore Your Youthful Glow

4. They Have a Good Sense of Style

clothing rack

The age of a woman is not important: you can be wonderful in your 20’s, amazing in your 40’s, and stay fabulous for the rest of your life.

Coco Chanel

Women who age gracefully do not bat an eye at spending their money on classic and chic clothes. They have great options in their closet to keep them looking elegant all year round.

These mature women also avoid clothes and footwear that will age them. If they do not need to wear orthopedic shoes, then they wear stylish and comfy shoes like ballet flats instead.

You also won’t find them shopping at the same place as younger people. Instead of shopping for trendy clothes targeted at young generations, they prioritize classic clothing instead.

5. They Prioritize Their Beauty Sleep

linen bed sheets

Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.

Beyonce Knowles, 40

Beauty sleep is vital for women who age well. Not getting enough sleep can cause your blood pressure to rise and high blood pressure can actually lead to dull skin and wrinkles.

Plus, if you are not getting enough sleep, the stress hormone in your body called “cortisol” will be released. This stress hormone breaks down collagen (structure in your skin) and causes the skin to become saggy.

Give yourself at least 8 hours of sleep and invest in a silk pillowcase and a bedside humidifier to look beautiful and refreshed when you wake up.

Related: Fashion Over 50: Aging With Grace & Embracing the Size You Are Now

6. They Regularly Exercise 

exercise mat

It’s important to grow old gracefully, and that’s what I plan to do. I am here to stay. I take care of myself, and I have the discipline to stay fit and have good health until I am very old.

Sigourney Weaver, 72

Have you ever wondered how some women look so amazing in their mature years? They exercise regularly.

As you know, exercising has loads of health benefits, but did you know it can improve the look of your skin too? As you age, your skin loses elasticity. Exercising can help keep your skin healthy, tight, and strong. So if you want healthy-looking skin, consider exercises like pilates, walking, or yoga.

7. They Maintain Meaningful Relationships

What’s helped me is having really good friends I know I can rely on.

Drew Barrymore, 47

Most of us know what keeping negative and toxic relationships can do to our mental state. Simply put, having the wrong people around can cause too much stress in your life.

At any age, but especially as you get older, it’s more important than ever to prioritize creating meaningful relationships with family members and friends. A remarkable amount of data from PLOS Medicine has shown that people with positive social interactions have a 50% chance of living longer than those with bad relationships.

We weren’t made to go at it alone. A lack of meaningful relationships can cause depression and that could play itself out in having sleepless nights, difficulty focusing on simple things, and losing joy in doing activities you once loved.

8. They Prioritize Hair Health Over Hair Color 

Senior Women hair

There was a deep sense of insecurity that I traded the gray streak in for as sort of a badge of honor. Now, I even have a gray clause with Pantene, where I said, ‘You can do whatever you want to my hair but you can’t dye my gray streak.’ It’s a part of me!”

Stacy London, 53

So you’re going gray- who cares?! Okay, it’s a strong possibility that you care, but aging well is not about coloring your hair (unless you do it of your own accord). I know there’s pressure to break out a hair-dying kit as soon as you see that first gray hair, but rest assured, you can still look fabulous with gray hair.

As women get older, sebum production reduces. This leads to hair becoming brittle and the scalp getting dry, so aging well means you prioritize healthy hair over a certain color.

To keep your hair health in good condition, cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize the scalp for a stable skin barrier to prevent hair loss. Using shampoos with no sulfates is also good for your hair as you age. It gives a gentler clean and sulfate-free shampoos won’t cause frizz, dryness, or yellowing of your hair.

9. They Are Open to New Things

Mature woman with a hobby

I think it’s about how if you still have passion and if you haven’t become cynical and you’ve remained open to life, then no matter how old you are chronologically, you’re still young. Aging is relative.

Jane Fonda, 84

There are many benefits to aging, but one of the biggest ones is that the older you get, the more confident you are in yourself. This is a breath of fresh air compared to your 20s when you feel as if you’re still figuring it all out.

But even though you may be set in your ways, it’s important to still be open to new things. Trying new things doesn’t necessarily mean making lifestyle changes that will sacrifice your whole identity.

Whether it’s embracing new technologies like smart watches or new beauty products with improved formulas, trying new things can actually make your life easier and more convenient.

10. They Take Part in Mentally Stimulating Activities

reading flatlay

They’ll say, ‘Oh, Grandma is old, but she doesn’t act old.’ So I feel that doing things like dancing and moving around and pranking and all the fun things that I do has kept me happy.”

Oprah Winfrey, 68

One way to stay young despite your age is to act young. And no, young doesn’t mean immature but instead, youthful. Instead of sticking to your same old routine, break away from the ordinary and engage in activities that will keep your mind fresh.

Not only does this improve your outlook on life, but it also helps with menopausal brain fog. If you have been forgetful lately or find yourself frequently losing your keys, it’s most likely linked to menopause. To try to slow down the brain fog, take part in mentally stimulating activities. This could be journaling, walking your dog, or even pranking your grandkids à la Oprah Winfrey.

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There is a lot that goes into aging gracefully. And trying to figure this out alone can be hard. Thankfully, these 10 secrets of women who age well will help you out.

As mentioned earlier, aging well includes wearing chic outfits. So recreate these outfit ideas to update your style!

Up next: Wardrobe Wednesday: Recreating Pinterest Outfits (Over 50 Edition)

Elderly woman wearing a summer outfit
10 Secrets of women who age well

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9 Free Self-Care Ideas That Will Improve Your Well-Being https://www.mychicobsession.com/free-self-care-ideas/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/free-self-care-ideas/#comments Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=34990 These days it seems like the perfect way to practice self-care is by splurging on designer bags and going on expensive vacations. Social media makes us believe that the best self-care ideas should involve racking up a bunch of credit card debt. But the truth is, you don’t need to spend a lot of money […]

The post 9 Free Self-Care Ideas That Will Improve Your Well-Being appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

These days it seems like the perfect way to practice self-care is by splurging on designer bags and going on expensive vacations. Social media makes us believe that the best self-care ideas should involve racking up a bunch of credit card debt. But the truth is, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to unwind and recharge! Keep reading to find the best free self-care ideas that you can either use to improve your well-being or share with a friend who needs to de-stress.

While it is not always wrong to buy material items, of course, there are free-self care ideas you can do to give you a fun and healthy life.

These free self-care activities do not have to be the go-to Instagram-perfect bubble bath either. It can be a little self-care idea like curling up with a good book while sipping a cup of tea!

These free ideas include creating a gratitude list, starting a good self-care routine, and going outside for some fresh air. If these sound like relaxing ideas you would like to try out, then there is more inspiration for you!

1. Listen to your favorite song

The best form of self-care does not have to be complicated. The little things like plugging in your headphones and listening to your favorite music can go a long way. Listening to songs you like that you haven’t heard in years can make a big impact on your mood too.

Discovering new exciting music is also one of the best things to improve your self-care routine. If you haven’t checked your Apple Music “new music” playlist in a while, then head over there and get ready to find mood-boosting songs.

2. Practice the pause

You don’t need to pay for expensive meditation subscriptions to have mental peace. Through prayer and allowing yourself to pause, you will find a new depth of rest that you can’t get from going going going all day long.

Practicing the pause can also help you focus on the present moment rather than the anxiety-inducing thoughts of the future. Taking deep breaths is also a great way of relieving your mind from stress. Giving your mind some breathing room before your day gets started is something that will transform your morning routine!

3. Create an essential oil

Woman making essential oils on her kitchen counter
Source: Unsplash/ Daria Shevtsova

Sometimes learning a new and fun skill is an effective way of improving your self-care. And what better way to learn a new self-care skill than to make your own essential oils?

This is a relaxing self-care activity you can enjoy without breaking the bank. You don’t have to order expensive natural skincare products from Lush or buy new ingredients either.

Besides learning a new skill, having your own homemade essential oil bottle made from simple ingredients from your garden, beauty cabinet, and pantry can reduce anxiety and help improve sleep.

4. Visit your local library

Sure, listening to audiobooks is fun and convenient, but there is something extra special about holding a physical book.

The sound of the pages as you flip through chapters and the smell of the book is the best part about physical books (and, of course, the storylines as well).

If you haven’t gone to your local library in a long time, consider adding this fun activity to your calendar!

newsletter sign up resource library

5. Try a new hobby

If outdoor hobbies like going on a bike ride are not how you would like to spend your free time, there are other free self-care ideas that you can try, such as coloring.

There has been a rise in adult coloring books and doodle sketchpads. Yep, coloring books are not reserved for young kids anymore! Older adults can now enjoy coloring some beautiful designs to relax their minds.

Related post: 21 Life-Transforming Ways I’m Simplifying My Life & Becoming More Thankful

6. Limit your social media consumption

Another self-care idea you can try is reducing your time on social media. I know you have probably read about the benefits of this a million times already, but this small change can give your mind a little reboot!

You can add this idea to your daily routine to help you focus on life outside of Instagram or Facebook.

Use your phone to keep track of how long you have spent on your apps in a week. Based on this information, you can determine how many minutes you want to spend on each app.

Turning this into your regular practice will also give you a good night’s sleep. No more going to sleep late because you spent all night scrolling through social media!

7. Make a gratitude journal

It is so easy to forget about the good, especially with the current new’s cycle and this age of social media where comparison is at an all-time high.

Everyone’s lives appear to be perfect on Instagram and it’s only a matter of time until you start to compare your life to the people you follow. If you find yourself doing this a lot, the best thing to do is practice gratitude to help maintain a positive mindset.

You don’t have to spend money on an expensive gratitude journal to do this! There are many free gratitude printables that you can download and print from Canva.

Instead of comparing your home to an influencer’s mansion or your budget-friendly looks to a fashion model’s designer wardrobe, write down all the things that are great about your cozy home or your simple yet classic wardrobe. Your mental well-being will improve in no time.

8. Make new food

A cup of milk tea, macaroons, blueberries placed on a serving tray
Source: Unsplash/ Jen P

It is no secret that good comfort food can make bad days a little bit better. Especially when you stumble across a new recipe that you love! To keep it free, you can create a new dish by incorporating existing ingredients from your refrigerator into your meals.

Experimenting with foods and finding new recipes for your work lunches can be a self-care activity you can do every week.

9. Get dolled up

One of the best ways to practice self-care is by throwing on your favorite outfit. If you have a dress or a cute top that you haven’t worn in ages, dig through your closet and dress up! As the saying goes, “when you look good, you feel good.”

Finish your look by applying a bold red lip and you will instantly cheer up!

free self care ideas

The next time you feel your stress levels increase, follow this list of self-care ideas to get free and effective solutions to soothe your mind.

Prioritizing your sleep is also the best form of self-care! To give yourself a luxurious night’s rest, check out these 5 best comforters.

Up Next: 5 Best Luxury Down Comforters for a Luxurious Night’s Rest

Flat lay of a tray of tea and macaroons
Free self-care ideas

The post 9 Free Self-Care Ideas That Will Improve Your Well-Being appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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21 Life-Transforming Ways I’m Simplifying My Life & Becoming More Thankful https://www.mychicobsession.com/simplifying-my-life/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/simplifying-my-life/#comments Thu, 25 Nov 2021 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=30399 At the time of writing this, it’s about a week before Thanksgiving. It’s Saturday morning and I’m sitting up in bed, balancing my laptop on one thigh and my hot coffee on the other. (I really shouldn’t do this, because the last time I tried this I spilled my coffee all over the motherboard and […]

The post 21 Life-Transforming Ways I’m Simplifying My Life & Becoming More Thankful appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

At the time of writing this, it’s about a week before Thanksgiving. It’s Saturday morning and I’m sitting up in bed, balancing my laptop on one thigh and my hot coffee on the other. (I really shouldn’t do this, because the last time I tried this I spilled my coffee all over the motherboard and fried my computer. I had to get a new laptop.)

(Truthfully, I don’t know what a motherboard is, but it sounds cool.)

“Autumn Jazz” is playing on my Pandora radio station while Titus has the boys out in the kitchen with him while he makes everyone eggs and sausage for breakfast. Whether Thanksgiving is on the horizon or not, I think I can definitely be thankful for that.

Whether you’re reading this on actual Thanksgiving day or later, this isn’t your typical Thanksgiving post. Sure, I could (and would) want to list out all the reasons I’m thankful until the cows come home (what does that even mean?), but this post is about how I’ve been simplifying life and learning to become more thankful in general.

Life is pretty hectic at times, isn’t it? For everyone. We’ve all got people to answer to (even if they’re tiny humans), places to be, and things to do. And at one point or another, we all just kind of reach our breaking point. I was feeling the results of this recently. I felt burnt out and overwhelmed. I found myself breaking down over simple things and not only does this make life tough, but it makes trying to be thankful even tougher.

I love the holiday season and I want to enjoy it to the fullest. But when life feels overwhelming and gratitude is nowhere to be found, it’s a lot more “fa la nope” than “fa la la”.

I’ve found that simplifying your life helps you to be more thankful. Not only does it strip away the things you don’t really need (both physically and mentally), but it clears up your headspace, allowing you to have some breathing room in your life and focus on what matters.

This isn’t a definitive guide on simplifying your life. I’ve read plenty of those and yes, it’s important to have a capsule wardrobe, take control of your finances, learn to say no to more things! But in addition to that, these are the things that have been helping me lately.

My list of ways to simplify life will look different from your list. And that’s okay. Life will never be 100% easy or perfect, but we can encourage each other and find things we can do to help make life a little more enjoyable. I hope this inspires you to simplify and find thankfulness this season!

21 (plus) ways I’m simplifying my life and becoming more thankful

1. I’m keeping thankfulness and gratitude a daily part of my life

We can always find things to be thankful for. I start off the day by writing 5 things I’m thankful for. Yes, 5. 3 is easy and 5 is sometimes more challenging. But it shouldn’t be, ya know? Surely we can think of 5 things in our lives to be thankful for!

But, sometimes thinking of 5 things does stretch me a bit. It’s a good exercise for me because once I get going, it shows me I have so much in life.

Sometimes during the day, I’ll ask Titus, “So what’s making you happy today?” And at dinner when we’re sitting around the table as a family, we’ll talk about what our favorite part of the day was and with Will, we’ll ask him, “What was good?” today.

Now, this doesn’t mean that bad things never happen and we aren’t allowed to have negative feelings. But it does mean that I try to make thankfulness a daily part of our lives and when something challenging happens, I try to put it in perspective.

Admittedly, I’m still working on this as I have a tendency to spiral. This book has helped me realize “I have a choice.” Not “I’m in control”.

I can’t always control things that happen to me, but I do have a choice on whether or not I want to dwell on the negative feelings or find a reason to be thankful.

What you can do: Start exercising your gratitude muscle by writing down or verbalizing 3-5 things you are thankful for every morning! A regular old notebook works just fine, but they do make gratitude journals specifically made for this too.

2. I went back to my natural hair color

I’ve had blonde highlights for so long, I almost didn’t know what I looked like without them. Those 5 (or more?) years were fun, but in order to simplify life, I needed to color my hair one last time so I could be done.

I’m not against people coloring their hair (obviously), but it costs money, time, and effort to keep up with it. Especially when going blonde. You need more upkeep and special shampoos. Though truthfully, I did not keep up with it all that well! So it become more of a thing that every time I looked in the mirror I would think, “Ugh, I should get my hair done.”

I wanted to offload that mental load, so going back to dark it was. It’s a little darker than I intended, but it’s better to go too dark because it will fade eventually. But when it fades, it will blend with my natural hair color. Too light and I’d have to go get my hair touched up all over again. It took me a few days to adjust, but I’m really happy with my decision now! I also did try out bangs but that was too much effort.

What you can do: Keep a low-maintenance hairstyle. Usually, the rule of thumb is that the most flattering hair color for you is your natural color (give or take a few shades). If you want to spice up your look with color, try balayage or single strand highlights as these will grow out better and require less upkeep. If you want to try out something high-maintenance like bangs, think realistically about your life and if you will enjoy maintaining them and styling them every day. Keep your beauty routine more minimalistic in general to simplify your life!

Related: My Minimalist Makeup Collection & 5 Minute Simple Yet Polished Makeup Routine!

3. I got ruthless about decluttering

Once upon a time, I used to want to be a professional organizer. I love cleaning, purging, and organizing. It comes naturally to me. But it was time to take this up a notch.

You’ve probably already heard about the studies that prove how clutter can add stress to our lives. So if you’re looking to simplify and feel loads lighter, decluttering is usually the first thing to try.

But recently, I’ve upped my game because I still felt like I had too much. Instead of decluttering once a year or every 6 months, I’ve started to declutter once a month. It sounds like a lot, but you tend to get ruthless more and more each time and realize, “Okay, well in the past month I haven’t even thought about trying to upcycle this broken headboard so it’s safe to get rid of it.”

The first decluttering session is always the hardest. But once you start getting rid of things and later realize you didn’t even miss it, it gives you the confidence to keep going.

And no, this doesn’t mean I’m not sentimental or throw away every gift I receive. I actually love to keep the things that matter– but a keychain I bought myself to remember a trip to Chicago 9 years ago? Yeah, I don’t need that.

What you can do: Declutter your home more frequently. It’s likely that each time you do a “pass” through your house, you’ll get rid of more and more things that you don’t really need.

4. I removed our rug under the dining table

Now, I love the way a rug looks under a dining table. It looks so cozy and can really pull a room together. But for simplicity’s sake, it was time to get rid of ours. With a messy toddler and a baby on solids, it was just so messy. All the time. And it doesn’t really work for me to just sweep it either. Plus, our vacuum doesn’t fit upstairs so I would have to go down the stairs and then up the stairs and then down the stairs all to clean it one time. So much work!

What you can do: Simplify your home decor. What do you feel takes more time to clean or organize than it should? What do you find yourself getting annoyed at? Maybe it’s taking away an extra thing to clean like a dining room rug, or maybe it’s removing some throw pillows on your bed- taking the count from 10 to 5. 😉

5. I started cleaning up more throughout the day

This one is especially tricky with kids because it’s like, why bother? And we do try to instill a “clean up before you move onto the next thing” mindset. It doesn’t always work, but then usually, the “end of the day pick up” covers that.

But I’m not talking about toys as much as I’m talking about keeping the main areas clean, such as the kitchen, living room, and dining room. If there’s a coffee drip or crumbs from that morning’s toast, I try to get to it right away.

If there’s some trash on the living room floor, I try to throw it away as soon as I see it instead of waiting for the end-of-the-day clean-up. I thought that if I cleaned up throughout the day it would feel like I’m constantly cleaning all the time, and well, it does feel like that. But it’s nice to look around and see a tidied space. It makes my mind feel less cluttered.

What you can do: Get in the habit (if you aren’t already) of throwing away trash or wiping up a spill as soon as you see it instead of putting it off.

6. I streamlined my hangers

Oh, how nice it is to look in my closet and see everything not only matching, but beautiful too! Adios to plastic hangers leftover from the store, green plastic hangers I got from who knows where, and that one random wire hanger.

Now, everything is pleasing to the eye and that makes the process of getting dressed in the morning feel nicer. It’s a bit of an investment, switching everything over to velvet (or wooden) hangers, but the results are worth it. And yes, this means tossing the pants hangers from the store that your pants came with!

These and these are the hangers I got and so far, no complaints.

What you can do: Simplify your closet or dressing area to be streamlined and chic, whether that’s by getting matching hangers or fancy storage containers.

Related: How to Make Your Closet Look Like a Boutique

7. I got more intentional with cleaning

At the end of the day when I’m cleaning up, I try to be very intentional with it. Meaning, once I pick something up to put it away, I ask myself, “Does this need to be put away or gotten rid of?” Because of course, having no “stuff’ isn’t the goal. Books, throw blankets, toys, coasters- these are all nice things to have! But when I do clean up, I want to make sure I’m putting away something that matters.

This idea is a great way to start if you feel that tackling a whole room is too much. Just start by what you’re naturally putting away each day.

Another thing I ask myself is, “Does this item have a home?” Our living room gets messy, sure, but it can also be cleaned up in about 5 minutes because the toys that are scattered on the floor go in a basket on a console table.

If my hands pick up a broken toy that is somehow still in our toy rotation, well then no, that doesn’t need to be put away. It needs to be gotten rid of. Little by little this can help weed out the things that don’t really matter.

What you can do: Be intentional with the items that you are cleaning up. Is that item indeed useful and just needs to get put away? Or have you been putting away something that is broken or unnecessary? Also, make sure everything has a place such as toys, keys, coasters, books, pens, or paper. Otherwise, everything will just feel like clutter and move from a pile in one spot to a pile in a different spot.

8. I got a catch-all for extra things

On the topic of cleaning, recently I started implementing a “catch-all” basket in our home. I’m not sure how it happens, but throughout the day, Will has 5 outfit changes, unmatches about 6 pairs of socks, and wait, why are there 3 hangers scattered about?

Instead of running to his room 50 times a day to put things away, I have a nice basket in a central area of the house. I’ve let Titus know too that instead of letting things accumulate on the floor, the table, or the half wall, everything goes into the basket and at the end of the day I will put it away. It really helps to minimize clutter throughout the house!

What you can do: Find a nice storage basket and put it near a central area that seems to accumulate a lot of stuff. Some hot spots may be in the living room or near the stairs.

9. I organized our bathroom and hall closets

An unexpected pro about decluttering is that once you get to the organizing part, you can usually splurge on more luxurious storage items! If you have fewer clothes, then you can probably better afford or justify velvet hangers. If you have less stuff to organize and don’t need a lot of storage boxes, then you can probably better afford the nicer containers!

What you can do: After decluttering and purging, organize your bathroom and hall closets by grouping like items together in nice storage containers. Some categories could be “pain relief”, “allergies”, or “cold & flu.” Finish it off with a printed label.

10. I started spending money where it truly matters

Simplifying life is more than just cleaning out your closet. If your brain is too cluttered, what things can you do to help relieve that? For me, it means investing in my health and wellbeing, such as therapy and child care.

Now, with dedicated work times, better boundaries, and more clarity, I’m able to be more thankful for my family and day-to-day life.

What you can do: No matter how many fancy storage containers you get, sometimes it just doesn’t cut it. Consider paying for a service if you know you need more than just organization. Maybe that’s therapy, child care, dog sitting, a meal service, or a cleaning service. Whatever it takes to simplify an area in your life.

11. I swapped out lower quality items for higher quality things

Instead of having 3 salad tongs that almost work, taking up space in a drawer, I now just have 1 nice one that always works. Quality over quantity. This means less clutter in the drawers and less thinking. (What’s the one that works again?) Just grab it and use it!

What you can do: If you have multiples of something in your house for no good reason, pare these down and swap them out for a higher-quality version if you need it.

12. I started getting my week ready on Saturday

My weeks feel a lot more simplified when I put the grunt work in on a Saturday! I hate going through a week and feeling like we have no food to eat and like the laundry is overflowing. I try to tackle the to-do list on Saturday and make sure our meals are planned out, our laundry is done, and we have the groceries we need. And then on Sunday, I rest, gearing up for the week ahead. This study book helped me see the importance of rest.

What you can do: However you want to work out your calendar, schedule a time over the weekend to get things done so you’re prepared for your work, home, or kid week that’s going to follow. Make sure you schedule a time to rest and recover too!

13. I only keep out what I need

Closets and dressers can easily get stuffed. Especially for kids! If my baby is in 6-9 month clothes, then I really don’t need to keep out the 0-3 month clothes, do I? Not only does this add clutter to the closets, but it’s more work having to sift through these unnecessary pieces. If it’s fall, I’m only going to keep out what I need for fall. This makes getting everyone dressed easier.

What you can do: Only keep out your current season and size. Put everything else in a closet you don’t access daily or keep it boxed up in your storage room.

14. I stopped painting my nails

Or I do it very rarely. Eventually, the color is going to fade and chip, and then you’re left looking at your nails thinking they need some TLC. Now maybe you see a chipped nail and get to it right away, but I think for most of us, they stay chipped for a few weeks until we finally get around to repainting them. I don’t want another thing on my to-do list! Now I just paint my nails for special events, vacations, or photoshoots. It makes it even more special!

What you can do: Do you still love the look of painted nails? Then choose a nude, clear, or neutral color. It will grow out better! You can also opt for a higher-quality nail polish that won’t chip as easily, lengthening the time of your manicure.

Related: Dr. Remedy Nail Polish Review- As Good As They Say?

15. I simplified meal planning

I’m not sure where this expectation came from, but one day I realized I was making meals way harder on myself because I expected myself to constantly be cooking up new and exciting things.

I don’t love meal planning as it is, and trying to come up with a brand new recipe every night took so much time. Plus, when you are constantly making something new, your brain has to work even harder to concentrate.

I came across the idea of set meals for set nights and my world changed haha. I adapted this idea to work for us and so far, it’s been great. I do get bored of food easily, so instead of every Tuesday being taco night, for example, I came up with a list of 14 meals we love that are healthy and don’t take much brainpower to make. (After telling my mom this, she gave me the idea to have 13-15 meals instead. That way there is always the element of surprise!)

It’s a work in process, but the idea is to cycle through these meals for 2 weeks until we (I) get tired of them. And then I can come up with a new plan. These are meals that I already know how to make, so this makes getting groceries and cooking way easier.

What you can do: If you’re like me, stop trying so hard! Unless your family is very picky, most people will love simple meals and won’t mind eating the same thing weekly. Make a list of 7-14 of your favorite meals and rotate through them. There, now your meal planning is done for the next few weeks!

16. I’ve spent less time on Instagram

This one is a little tricky since part of my job is being on Instagram, but I’ve found that spending less time on Instagram and letting go of the “perfect feed” has been very helpful. There are so many platforms out there to be on, whether you’re a content creator or not. I’m rarely on my personal Facebook page anymore. Simplifying what you’re doing and taking in can make a world of difference.

What you can do: Evaluate your social media presence and time spent on these platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, or even online forums like Reddit or gossip feeds. Are these enriching and adding to your life? Or do you find yourself feeling more anxious, numb, and maybe even a little feisty? Getting rid of everything and going off-grid isn’t always the answer. Sometimes it’s just cutting back and putting boundaries in place.

17. I avoid buying too much bulk

“Trader Joe hauls” and pantry organization videos sometimes make us feel as if we need a whole stockpile in our pantries and cupboards. I get that sometimes it’s cheaper to buy in bulk. And I get that you may never want to find yourself out of diapers or toilet paper again! But at the same time, sometimes having a lot of bulk and a stockpile of household items isn’t the best idea.

The other day I was looking for a specific glass cleaner and I could only find it online sold in a case of 4. I almost purchased it, but then I thought, how quickly do I actually go through glass cleaner? The answer: not very quickly at all.

So not only would I have more than what I need, but I have to find a place for it too. If you’re trying to keep closets clear, having enough glass cleaner to last you for the next few years is not very necessary. I got a different cleaner instead.

What you can do: Keep in mind that whatever you buy in bulk you’re going to have to find a place to store it. Be realistic if you actually have the space or not. And be realistic about if you actually need a stockpile of it or not!

18. I turned off notifications for everything

I want to get the information when I choose and when I’m in the right mindset or time to receive it. Having my phone ping and light up constantly is very distracting. Plus, when your brain keeps jumping from one thing to the next, you start to feel frantic and overwhelmed. At least I do!

What you can do: Do you really need to know if someone just “liked” your picture? Set times to check into social media and email, instead of having it constantly remind you. You are in control of this!

19. I unsubscribed from irrelevant emails

Now, everyone tells you to unsubscribe from retailers’ emails to save money, but what about the ones that are no longer relevant and take up mental space just seeing and reading them? These may be things that mattered at one time but they don’t anymore.

For example, when I was pregnant with Will I signed up for baby apps and would frequently get milestone updates. Now, I don’t really need to know what my 3-year-old is interested in. I can just ask him! And if I ever want to learn something, I can just seek the information out when I’m ready instead of having it show up in my inbox every month or so.

What you can do: Are there emails related to a certain time of your life that aren’t needed anymore? What can you do to lighten the email load?

20. I’m equipping my toddler to do more tasks

I’m not a child psychologist, but just from experience, I can see that helping your toddler become more responsible and self-sufficient is a win-win for everyone. By giving Will a routine and teaching him how to do things like get himself dressed, put away his pajamas, make his bed, and brush his teeth, he not only feels proud of himself and more confident, but this extra time allows me to get myself ready for the day or even drink my coffee while it’s still hot. (Gasp! It can be done!)

If his bed is rumply or his clothes are on backward, we don’t fix it (yet). We just praise him and then he wants to do even more around the house!

What you can do: If you have littles in the house, what tasks can you teach them to do themselves or what can they do around the house to help out? I mean, we all live here and contribute to the mess! Even little things like taking their own dish over to the kitchen sink instead of leaving it on the dining table can be helpful.

21. I’m finding time-saving hacks for our everyday tasks

French press coffee is mm mm delicious. But it’s also a little time-consuming. We used to make a fresh pot of French press coffee every morning but now, we just drink regular brewed coffee. Is it a downgrade? Not really!

Sure, there is a taste difference, but I like it better because it makes the mornings simpler and quicker. Plus, we set it the night before, eliminating yet another step in the mornings. Not only has it simplified things, but it’s so amazing waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

Now things like French press coffee are more special when they’re a treat on the weekends or days off, instead of trying to fit it in our day-to-day life.

What you can do: Take advantage of automatic features. Whether it’s a programmable coffee maker or a crockpot with a delayed start, consider switching out your appliances for ones that will make your life easier.

22. I’m accepting that things will never be 100% completed

I’m going to die with an unfinished to-do list. That may sound morbid, but the truth is, I will never be able to finish everything I want to. So how does this help? Well, instead of living a frantic life, rushing around day to day to accomplish and check things off my list, I have taken a more relaxed approach.

And I say more relaxed, not totally relaxed haha. It’s just in my veins to be productive. But I’m trying to drill into my head that even if I run around frantic and accomplish everything on today’s to-do list, tomorrow will bring a whole new set of tasks to do.

A life lived at this pace will just lead to burnout. Knowing and accepting that there will always be things to do helps me not rush around trying to do it all.

What you can do: Try to accept that your to-do list will never be fully checked off. Even if you do the laundry today, there will be dirty clothes tomorrow. And as soon as you do the dishes, someone will put a dirty bowl in the sink. This is life. It’s okay!!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just want to simplify life a little bit so you can enjoy it more, I hope you found some good ideas here based on how I’m simplifying my life. Simplifying life, in general, helps us to be more thankful because we remove the unnecessary distractions that hold us back, allowing us to see, embrace, and appreciate the things that we feel grateful for.

And of course, I can’t end this post without wishing you a big Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with happiness, peace, warmth, and gratitude. I’m wishing you good health now and into the holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.

For other tips on how to live a full and happy life, keep reading!

Up Next:
How to Live a Luxurious Life Without the Luxurious Budget

30 Ways to Pursue a Parisian Lifestyle

13 Tips to a Healthy Lifestyle

simplifying my life
simplifying my life

The post 21 Life-Transforming Ways I’m Simplifying My Life & Becoming More Thankful appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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Easy Ways To Invest in Rest and Create a Great Bedtime Routine https://www.mychicobsession.com/easy-ways-to-invest-in-rest-and-create-a-great-bedtime-routine/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/easy-ways-to-invest-in-rest-and-create-a-great-bedtime-routine/#respond Mon, 27 Sep 2021 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=28202 We’ve all been through a lot during these uncertain times. And you might be feeling drained, burnt out, and beyond exhausted. And if you are a working mom doing back-to-school runs while trying to get to your 9:30 AM board meeting on time, or trying to juggle your work from home life and maintain relationships with loved […]

The post Easy Ways To Invest in Rest and Create a Great Bedtime Routine appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

We’ve all been through a lot during these uncertain times. And you might be feeling drained, burnt out, and beyond exhausted. And if you are a working mom doing back-to-school runs while trying to get to your 9:30 AM board meeting on time, or trying to juggle your work from home life and maintain relationships with loved ones — you might feel like your stressful daily routine is making it hard for you to wind down and get good sleep. 

Constantly thinking about work or regular life tasks before bedtime can really make it a challenge for sleep to come by. According to Sleephub,com.au, “chronic stress and busyness” may cause problems trying to fall asleep or stay asleep. 

When it’s 3 A.M. and you’re staring at the ceiling feeling guilty about not getting 8 hours of sleep, it can be easy to feel like you’re the only one going through this. But the reality is that millions of people also have this same problem. Research from the CDC shows that about 70 million Americans have sleep problems. And with Google searches for “how to sleep better” increasing by 129% every year, it’s clear that a lot of us aren’t getting good shut-eye.

Thankfully, you don’t have to try to count sheep anymore because there are easy ways to invest in rest and create a great bedtime routine. From slipping on silk sleepwear to get you in the perfect mood for some ZZZ, reading night affirmations, to adding sleep blends to your diffuser to transform your bedroom into a serene haven.

Scroll down to meet the products that will give you the most soothing sleep:

Silk Sleepwear

Believe it or not, sleepwear can make or break a good night’s rest. So if you’ve been using your worn-out t-shirt or old sweatpants as pajamas, it might be a good idea to ditch them for something more high quality. What constitutes quality sleepwear? Durability and comfort are definitely key factors to look out for if you want to get your best night’s sleep.

To ensure that you choose sleepwear that has superior quality and feels cozy, Sleep.org recommends focusing on the fabric of your sleepwear. And when it comes to choosing the best fabric, silk tops the list. I mean, what sounds nicer than nestling into silk sleepwear? You’ll feel like royalty. 

This luxurious fabric is super soft — making it ideal for getting the best sleep results. It consists of 18 amino acids that are aptly labeled ‘the sleep factors.’ These molecules make the human nerves in a relatively stable state to boost the quality.

Even though silk sleepwear promises comfort, ease and style — it is a huge splurge for most of us. That’s why we have compiled a list of budget-friendly silk pajamas that are perfect for an evening spent cuddling up under a cozy blanket, especially after a long day. 

100% Washable Silk Tank & Shorts Pajama Set

With nearly 100 reviews and a 4.8-star rating, you’ll never want to take off this beloved 2 piece set. This silk tank top and short set can be washed amongst your other clothes, but best of all, it has thermoregulating technology to help maintain your comfortable body temperature.

You can pair this subtly sexy set with your favorite sleep mask and silk pillowcase — and you will be having the sweetest dreams. Oh, and did we also mention that it comes in other chic colors? From toasted almond, indigo, mist to light grey — there’s a color for different preferences. 

What women love about this product: “Just Delicious. I’ve been drooling over silk pajama sets for years now, but I am unwilling to pay the high sticker price. At Quince’s price point, I couldn’t resist these. I’m a confirmed believer now: totally in love, and my sleep has never been more comfortable and beautiful! The shorts are definitely short and the top is comparatively large, but in my opinion, that’s the perfect fit for a sleep set! I’m tall, and the medium is perfect. And it’s washable!! I’m so happy. Can’t wait to buy more colors and styles.

Ginia Silk Long Gown

If a pajama short set or a chemise is too revealing for your taste, try this silk long gown instead. It’s just as cozy but more modest. 

What women love about this product:Purchased the emerald color which is so beautiful. I got the longer-length gown for winter wear, the fit was perfect. Love the look, the feel of silk lingerie.

Silk Pajama Pants

What better way to invest in rest than to treat yourself to new pajama pants?

Call it a night in these classic Nordstrom pajama pants. They are made out of 100% silk, so you can expect to feel comfortable through the night. Just add a silk camisole and this look will instantly double as a fashionable Zoom meeting outfit.

Plus, these machine-washable pants come with pockets for added functionality.

What women love about this product: “Very soft and comfy. Love love love these pajama pants! It’s Like wearing clouds. Super smooth. Only wish it could come in a set.

LilySilk Silk Pajama Set for Women 100% Real Mulberry Silk Sleepwear

Let’s face it, we could all need an upgrade in the PJ department, and this luxe pajama set will certainly level up your sleepwear. According to the brand, this 100% silk pajama set is temperature regulating, so it will keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

This cute set is described to be perfect for delicate sleepers that want enjoyable sleep. One reviewer even wrote “The silk is very soft and nice to sleep in.’ For a price point that isn’t above $200, this is most certainly a great deal.

Related post: 7 Tips for Buying Expensive (or Expensive Looking Pieces) Without Breaking the Bank

What women love about this product: I will buy more. I’m so impressed. Not just with the PJ, but with the package it came in. Really adds to that luxury feel. These PJs are soft and feel so nice to sleep in. I purchased an XL. I’m pear-shaped. I like PJs to be loose, especially on the bottom. A large would have been fine.

Sleep Blends For Diffusers

Ahh, there’s nothing more pleasant than the scent of a soothing essential oil to help you snooze. Anyone who has struggled with sleep and has used essential oils would know what exactly I’m talking about. But if you’ve never tried aromatherapy before, your complete guide is right ahead!

What are essential oils?
Essential oil bottle laying flat on wood board and plant to invest in rest
Source: Pexels/ Dominika Roseclay

The world of essential oils may seem confusing but it’s actually pretty simple. Basically, essential oils are the essence of flowers, seeds, bark, and other plant products. Some people might think that it’s a new self-care trend – but these oils have been used for centuries in religious ceremonies, healthcare, and beauty treatments.

How to use essential oils

The most effective (and common) way essential oils are released into the air is with a diffuser. But if you don’t have one, there are all sorts of diffusers on the market. From Ultrasonic diffusers to nebulizing diffusers. And they cost between $25 to $200, so there’s one available for any budget. If you need some help choosing a diffuser, here are the best ones Amazon reviewers swear by:

Breathe Essential Oil Diffuser

Why we love it:

  • Star rating: 4.6
  • Reviews: 2,273
  • 18-hour run time
  • Chic design
  • 16 LED light options
  • 4 timer settings

What people love about it: “We have had several oil diffusers, and this one is remarkably better than all of them. It has a great aesthetic and diffuses all day. The packaging was sleek and the instructions were clear. We highly recommend this product to anyone looking to buy a diffuser!

Hathaspace Marble Essential Oil Aroma Diffuser

Why we love it:

  • Star rating: 4.5 stars
  • Reviews: 3,394
  • 18-hour run time
  • Auto-shutoff
  • Dual diffuser and humidifier
  • Aesthetically pleasing

What women love about it:This diffuser is absolutely beautiful! It looks like genuine marble. It is so simple to use and holds lots of water, so no need to keep refilling. The light rings do not disrupt your ability to fall asleep. It’s so nice to fall asleep to the smell of lavender!

The best essential oil blends for diffusers:

A great way to invest in rest is to stock up on some essential oil blends to help you fall asleep quicker. The right blend will instantly turn your bedroom into a calming sleep environment. Just place your diffuser by your nightstand, add a few drops of essential oils an hour before bedtime and you’ll have the best sleep ever. 

If you’re ready to integrate calming essential oil blends into your nighttime routine, but you’re unsure which one to choose, we have rounded up the best essential oils to add to your diffuser for a more peaceful rest.

Paddywax Unwind Essential Oil Blend

This essential oil blend from Paddywax is infused with earthy clary sage, sweetly floral geranium, and fresh, calming lavender to create a serene atmosphere. Add a few drops to a water-filled diffuser and just watch (or, smell) the magic happen!

What women love about it:Awesome Aroma. Used in my bedroom, has a nice calming feeling in this stressful environment that we live in. The aroma of lavender lasted mostly all night and the next day.

Dream Essential Oils for Diffusers

If you struggle to sleep because you can’t switch off your mind from thinking about endless to-do lists, adding this dream essential oil diffuser to your cart is the best way to invest in rest. It features a mix of lavender, chamomile, clary sage, and Ylang-ylang essential oils that can help relieve you from stress.

What women love about this product: I have ordered this over and over! I love the smell..it is so relaxing and really helps me wind down and fall asleep at night. I really can’t recommend this enough! It’s always sold out here lately when I need some, and that should speak for itself 🙂.”

Plant Therapy Essential Oil Stress Relief, Sleep, Peace & Calming Blend

Are you set on getting the most luxurious night’s sleep, ever? Look no further than Plant Therapy’s calming essential oil blend. It’s the perfect way to invest in rest.

This undeniably cute bottle contains 100% pure, undiluted essential oils of Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Orange, Patchouli. These all-natural essential aromas were selected to encourage mental relaxation before bed. 

What women love about this product:

I’ve tried several of the Plant Therapy Synergy blends and this is one of my favorites. I have hip bursitis and a thyroid condition that can make sleep really difficult. I decided to try this because I figured it was worth a shot AND it doesn’t contain lavender (I really dislike the smell of lavender but most sleepy-type EO blends contain it.) This smells great and really does seem to help enormously- I sleep like a rock when I diffuse this in my bedroom at night. I’m massively impressed. I highly recommend this if you want something to help you sleep that doesn’t contain lavender.

Night Affirmations Sleep

Are you interested in finding more ways to invest in rest?

Reading a relaxing and uplifting list of affirmations before bedtime can really help quiet the mind and wind down the body for a good night’s sleep. So if your thoughts are loud enough to keep you up at night, read these night affirmations:

Sleep Rituals: 100 Practices for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep

If your second half of the year goal is to invest in rest by splurging on sleep affirmations — then this copy by Jennifer Williamson deserves a spot on your bedside table. It is filled with 100 short affirmations to get you into the best mindset to have a refreshing night’s sleep.

What people love about this book: As a lifelong insomniac, I am so excited about this book. It is set up beautifully with practices for making your room conducive for sleep.”

Begin with Yes – Nighttime Affirmations

For those who are desperate for peaceful slumber, try reading these nighttime affirmations. It will help you reduce stressful thoughts and soothe you to sleep.

What people love about this book:Each night for several months, I have read the daily entry. I am always amazed at how in tune with what I need each passage has been. I look for an especially meaningful sentence to ponder as I’m falling asleep. It is a welcome relief to trade negative ruminations for hopefulness and support.

Sleep is so crucial, yet everyday stressors and responsibilities cut in when you want to get a good night’s rest. However, when you invest in rest, you can drift off to dreamland with ease.

Does foot pain disturb your sleep? It might be a good idea to fill up your shoe closet with comfy footwear.

Up Next: 7 Best Women’s Shoes for Foot Pain

Flatlay of silk sleepmask and 2021 diary on bed
Invest in rest

The post Easy Ways To Invest in Rest and Create a Great Bedtime Routine appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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12 Life-Changing Habits of Women Who Never Seem to Gain Weight https://www.mychicobsession.com/habits-of-women-who-never-seem-to-gain-weight/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/habits-of-women-who-never-seem-to-gain-weight/#comments Tue, 24 Aug 2021 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=26614 We all know at least one girl who never gains weight. It doesn’t matter how much they eat, or how many babies they’ve had. They always seem to stay the same while your weight seems to always fluctuate. Though genes and body type can be factors, there are habits you can develop that can help […]

The post 12 Life-Changing Habits of Women Who Never Seem to Gain Weight appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

We all know at least one girl who never gains weight. It doesn’t matter how much they eat, or how many babies they’ve had. They always seem to stay the same while your weight seems to always fluctuate. Though genes and body type can be factors, there are habits you can develop that can help you be your healthiest self. Keep reading for 12 things women do to keep the extra weight off.

1. They Give Themselves Grace

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Do your best to stay consistent, but don’t beat yourself up if you mess up every now and again. Weight loss comes down to consistent lifestyle changes over time. Your overall health is not going to change overnight, and your mental health will suffer if you put unrealistic expectations on yourself. That’s why they call it a weight loss journey! Not a sprint. Give yourself grace.

2. They Don’t Starve Themselves

Don’t make yourself go hungry. Consuming fewer calories and less food can help you lose weight, but you need to do it in a healthy way. You CAN lose weight without starving yourself. Try and find foods that will keep you fuller longer such as oatmeal, nuts, and eggs, or opt for several, smaller meals throughout the day if that’s easier for you.

3. They Learn Portion Control

While it won’t come as a surprise that in order to keep the weight off you need to cut out the junk food, you may be surprised to know that you can still indulge in some of your favorite foods such as chocolate, pasta, and ice cream! How? Portion sizes! Instead of eating enough pasta to feed an army, simply cut back on your portion. This way you can still enjoy your favorite treats and keep the weight off. Win-win!

Related: 7 Life-Changing Healthy Habits to Adopt

habits of women who never gain weight
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

4. They Drink Lots of Water

You probably hear this one all the time, but it’s true! Water plays a KEY part in your weight. Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight faster, and help you keep the weight off. Strive to get in at least 8 cups of water a day! 🙂 You can use a handy water bottle like this one to keep track and soon enough, drinking enough water will become second nature.

5. They Get Enough Exercise

We can’t talk about the habits of women who never seem to gain weight without talking about physical activity. Though this doesn’t mean you need to spend 1 hour at the gym every day running on the treadmill and lifting weights. If that’s something you enjoy, then go for it!

But exercising doesn’t need to be something you dread. If you work in an office or from home, it’s not hard to get stuck in a sedentary lifestyle. But an easy way to get in your regular exercise is to go for a walk around your neighborhood. Or if you are more adventurous, try going on a hike, or even kayaking- all great ways to get your body moving!

habits of women who don't gain weight
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

6. They Cut Out “Filler Foods”

How many times have you eaten foods that you don’t necessarily love, but you ate because it was in front of you? I do this ALL the time. Try to avoid eating foods just for the sake of eating them! They say that abs are made in the kitchen, meaning, your eating habits play a major role in keeping the weight off, so it’s very important to make sure that at least 80% of the food you consume is healthy eating!

7. They Build Muscle Mass

Did you know that building muscle mass actually helps you to lose weight? Research shows that increasing muscle increases your body’s ability to burn calories when you’re resting. In other words, if you have a lot of muscles, your body will be burning calories and fat all day to sustain it! You don’t have to be a “bodybuilder” either to benefit. Just start by incorporating some 5-pound weights and protein shakes into your fitness routine and you’ll start to feel and see a difference with time!

8. They Have a Consistent Bedtime Routine

When I think of having a routine and “bedtime”, I think of my kids. If my babies don’t get enough sleep at night, the whole next day of sleep deprivation is kind of a nightmare. Adults need sleep too! Your body needs proper time to rest and recharge. Not only will it help you de-stress, but science has shown that proper sleep can impact your fat cells, body fat, and overall body weight!

habits of women who never gain weight
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

9. They Have a Healthy Relationship with Scales

A scale is a great way to track progress, but it’s also great at discouraging you when you don’t see the needle move. One of the top bad habits is getting too focused on a number. There’s nothing quite like discouragement to stop you from reaching your goals!

Go onto the scale knowing that it is normal for your weight to fluctuate a little bit from day to day, so don’t beat yourself up if it’s a little higher than the day before. If you’re using your scale consistently to track your progress, consider spreading your weigh-ins out to weekly or bi-weekly.

10. They Ditch The Bad Drinks

There is SO much hidden sugar in beverages. Things like soda, certain coffee drinks, and even alcohol have lots of hidden sugar that can hinder you from losing weight. If you need a vanilla latte from Starbucks, opt for sugar-free vanilla and skim milk instead of 2%.

habits of women who never seem to gain weight
Photo by Vika Aleksandrova on Unsplash

11. They Limit Their Fast Food Intake

One of the top habits of women who never seem to gain weight is that they say no to fast food and unhealthy foods the majority (not all) of the time! These high-calorie foods may taste good for a few minutes, but then you’re stuck with the weight gain and feelings of sluggishness they leave behind. Watching the quality of your food intake is important, and sometimes the best way to do that is to go to the grocery store and get the supplies needed to make your own food!

12. They Find Replacements that Work for Them

Instead of fruit smoothies opt for fresh fruit. Say no to white pasta, white bread, and white rice, and instead, choose whole grains. It’s important to find replacements and healthier choices you actually enjoy so you’ll be less likely to slip up. It might not be perfect, but hopefully, it’ll help you stay on track!

Related: 13 Tips to a Healthy Lifestyle

So do you want to develop the habits of women who never seem to gain weight? Well, it comes down to a healthy diet, consistent exercise habits, getting the recommended hours of sleep, drinking more than enough water, making good choices on a daily basis, and knowing this is a long-term journey!

But just remember: your weight doesn’t define you. If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, you can absolutely try working these habits into your daily life! Chances are even if you don’t lose a drastic amount of weight, you’ll feel so much better – and more confident!

Looking for more ways to feel confident? Then check out this post on the top things that women do to look their best every day!

habits of women who never seem to gain weight
habits of women who never seem to gain weight

The post 12 Life-Changing Habits of Women Who Never Seem to Gain Weight appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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12 Life-Altering Habits of Women Who Always Have Money https://www.mychicobsession.com/habits-of-women-who-always-have-money/ https://www.mychicobsession.com/habits-of-women-who-always-have-money/#respond Mon, 16 Aug 2021 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.mychicobsession.com/?p=26612 How many of us dream about what our lives would be like if we had a little more money in our bank account? I know I’m raising my hand! As much as I wish it wasn’t, money plays a big part in our lives. It determines what activities we can participate in, what we wear, […]

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How many of us dream about what our lives would be like if we had a little more money in our bank account? I know I’m raising my hand! As much as I wish it wasn’t, money plays a big part in our lives. It determines what activities we can participate in, what we wear, where we live, etc. But, there are ways you can optimize your income, no matter how much you make. Here are 12 habits of women who always have money that you can implement in your life too!

1. They Don’t Have Credit Cards

Yes, there are women that primarily use a credit card for points or protection, but for most people, credit cards can be a hindrance for a couple of reasons. First, they can promote bad money habits by giving you the opportunity to spend money you don’t have, which can be dangerous if not done responsibly.

Second, you pay interest, which can make you lose money in the long run. Credit card debt can be a hard hole to climb out of and when the monthly bills and late fees keep coming, it can be hard to get ahead!

2. They Cook at Home

We all love the experience of going out to a nice restaurant for dinner, and the thought of not having to cook a meal is probably the best part of it all. But, eating out comes with a price! If you’re looking to save money and build your savings, making a meal plan and eating at home will be your best bet.

Photo by Kevin McCutcheon on Unsplash

3. They Have a Portion of Their Budget for Extra Spending

Contrary to what you might think, smart women can still save money AND have a little fun. 😉 A great option is to have a “frivolous spending” section in your budget. This money can be set aside for a new handbag, getting your nails done, or a getaway weekend with the girls. Since you’re using funds specifically set aside from this, you aren’t draining your account and you’re still building your savings.

4. They Keep Their Emotional Spending In Check

Good day? Bad day? A woman that shops on a daily basis just based on her mood is bound to not make some great decisions in her financial life! A woman that always has money has learned not to use shopping sprees or impulsive purchases to cheer herself up.

Does this sound like you? Instead of shopping based on feelings (which are always changing, am I right?), a better money habit would be to shop with a list or when you’re feeling overall level-headed.

Related: How to Resist the Urge to Splurge

5. They Don’t Buy Things Full Price

An easy way to keep a little extra cash in your pocket is to buy things when they are on sale. I know buying the new arrivals is exciting and fun, and many have a hard time saying no to the latest trending item, but consider waiting for the right time until they go on sale.

However, there are items that are always excluded from the sales. If that’s the case, make sure it’s something you really need/want before making that investment!

6. They Have a Classic Wardrobe

You don’t have to be under the camp of “wealthy women” to have a classic wardrobe. A classic wardrobe is doable for all ages and income brackets. One main benefit of a classic wardrobe (though there are many) is that you’ll save a large amount of money because you’re shopping less and not chasing after every trend!

A classic wardrobe is primarily made up of high-quality staple items and though it may be a bigger investment upfront, you will save money in the long run because your clothes last longer and you won’t have to replace them as often.

Related: What is Classic Style?

7. They Take Advantage of Little-to-No-Cost Places

A trip to Disneyland or a tropical vacation sounds amazing, but also very expensive. Take advantage of cheaper or even free options by going to National Parks and nature preserves near you instead. You’ll save money, and you’ll still have a great time!

Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

8. They Save Consistently

Don’t put money into savings when it’s “convenient” or when you feel like you have a little extra. Structure savings into your regular budget. The best way to do this is to put a portion of your paycheck into your savings every time you get paid, even if it’s a small amount and you can only afford $5! Check out this budget planner if you’re someone that likes to put things down on paper.

9. They Plan For The Future

While it’s smart to save for things like vacations or that luxury handbag you’ve had your eye on, one of the most important things to remember is to save for your emergency fund first. This is a good chunk of money set aside for any unexpected financial emergency that may come up in the future, such as big car repairs or your furnace going out.

And if you were to, unfortunately, lose your job, you wouldn’t have to worry about your home being foreclosed on the next month, because you would have enough money that would cover all of your expenses. Are you wondering, “How much is enough?” It will look different for everyone. The first step would be to total up your necessary expenses. Dave Ramsey recommends having an emergency fund that can last 3-6 months. On the habit of saving for the future, it’s a good idea to start (or continue) your retirement savings.

10. They Have Dedicated “No Spend Days”

The frequency will look different for everyone, but the idea is to have days where you don’t spend a single dime. You’d be surprised by how many small, simple purchases throughout your day add up. Having a day where you don’t swipe your debit card can save you so much money and show you ways you can cut out unnecessary spending!

11. They Find Ways To Make Extra Money

A side hustle is all the rage these days. And though being an entrepreneur may not be in your life or financial plan (that’s okay!), it’s never a bad idea to have another source of income. Whether you want to work for someone else on the side, start a business to create passive income, invest in real estate, or make your money work for you through mutual funds, financial success comes from multiple streams of income!

12. They’ve Learned To Be Content

Want to know one of the top habits of women who always have money? They’ve learned how to be content with what they have. It’s important to know that at times there will never seem like there’s enough money! Even if all your needs are taken care of and then some, it’s easy to think you need to upgrade your car or your house. Once you get used to living a certain way, it just so happens that you tend to want more and better.

Money itself isn’t going to make you happy, but it’s true that when you have a budget and money set aside, it allows you to not live paycheck to paycheck. That makes life a little less stressful! Learning to be content with what you have will lead to happiness and financial freedom will definitely lead to a life of more peace and put you in a better position of financial control and achieving your long-term goals!

habits of women who always have money
Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash

It’s important to note that a successful woman doesn’t have to make 6 figures in order to be considered successful financially. First, you have to decide what’s success to you. But most importantly, it’s all about how you manage your money, not how much you make per year. A woman that makes 35k per year could actually have more money in the bank than a woman that makes 100k per year, as long as you develop good financial habits and remember these 12 habits of women who always have money!

You can start implementing any or all of these habits into your life to help you have a little extra money in your account without having to put in extra hours at work! I know I know, creating a budget, meal plan, and savings plan don’t sound fun. But! If it can help your financial situation and get you further along in your financial goals, it might be worth it!

Since we’re on the topic of saving money…
Up Next: 8 Clothing Brands That Look Expensive (But Aren’t)

habits of women who always have money
habits of women who always have money

The post 12 Life-Altering Habits of Women Who Always Have Money appeared first on MY CHIC OBSESSION.

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